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Knjiga »Z jadrnico čez Arktiko« je četrta knjiga Mirana Tepeša, ki je doslej že trikrat objadral svet. Knjiga je jadralski potopis z zelo drugačne in zahtevne morske poti po ledenih morjih, med odročnimi otoki. V knjigi so na 256 straneh opisane dogodivščine s poti čez Arktiko in popestrene s 383 barvnimi fotografijami in zemljevidi. V prvem delu je opisana pot z jadrnico od Istre na Jadranskem morju preko Atlantskega oceana do Kanade in Grenlandije. V osrednjem delu so opisane dogodivščine z jadranja čez Arktiko po Severozahodnem prehodu od Grenlandije med kanadskimi arktičnimi otoki in okoli Aljaske do Tihega oceana. V zadnjem delu pa so opisane dogodivščine med jadranjem čez Beringovo morje, čez Aljaški zaliv in po Britanski Kolumbiji.

»Arktika je morska pokrajina s številnimi otoki. Led na morju se je nad Severno Ameriko v zadnjih desetletjih večino poletij za nekaj tednov dovolj umaknil ali razredčil, da je bilo z izjemo treh let Arktiko mogoče prejadrati, a ne na lahek način, zato je jadranje čez Arktiko zame postalo izziv.« – Miran Tepeš

Arktika je območje na severu zemeljske oble, ki obdaja severni zemljepisni tečaj in leži nad severnim tečajnikom. Večino leta, marsikje pa vseskozi, je to območje prekrito z ledom in snegom.

Statistiko o plovbi čez Arktiko vodi “Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge”, Velika Britanija. Do leta 2024 je Severozahodni prehod med Atlantikom in Pacifikom, v eno ali drugo smer, preplulo 393 plovil vseh vrst, od ledolomilcev in različnih velikih motornih ladij do jadrnic. Skokica 3 je prvo slovensko plovilo, ki je prejadralo ali preplulo Severozahodni prehod.

Miran Tepeš - Z jadrnico čez Arktiko

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S O S - Season Opening Sailing Party 2020

SAVE THE DATE: 11. 6. – 14. 6. 2020 and join us on the traditional Season Opening Sailing Party 2020. (2nd edition)

We will start the sailing season in 2020 with S.O.S. - active and fun sailing weekend. Like in previous years, it will include a lot of sailing, internal regattas with navigation challenges, and will be accompanied also with many fun and entertaining activities.

We welcome all sailing lovers - with partners, friends or families, regarding your sailing experience.

Start in Marina Kastela Split & Marina Frapa Rogoznica , CROATIA

PRICE: 295 € / person.

Registrations and payments until 07. June 2020!

The price includes:
- sailing boat,
- transit log (200€ / boat)
- turist tax
- skipper,
- 1 x Just Perfect dinner
- evening socializing events and parties,
- official 8th S.O.S. CREW T-Shirt

The price does not include:
- fuel (around 10 € / person)
- moorings (around 10 – 20 € / person)
- food and drinks expect two dinners
- transfers and parking

Program outline:

The final program is defined a few days before the event, taking into consideration the weather forecast.

Registration and more info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., + 386 51 604 395.

Sea U There!

Wednesday 27 May 2020


In relation with the application of the Decision on temporary ban of crossing the border crossings of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette Nos. 32/20 and 48/20) and the Decision on amendments to the same decision of 9th May 2020, following the previously published recommendations by the Croatian Institute of Public Health, here are our additional clarifications and instructions:

Croatian and foreign seafarers crossing the state border

Crew List
Marina Punat, Krk

  1. Croatian seafarers who are repatriated to the Republic of Croatia after signing off in any country of the world are no longer subject to the self-isolation measure.
  2. The latest amendments enable all foreign nationals to sign on aboard merchant ships and yachts that are berthed, laid-up or idle in the Republic of Croatia.
  3. Foreign nationals who are crew members after signing on aboard ship or yacht are not subject to the self-isolation measure onboard that vessel.
  4. Foreign nationals who are crew members of the ships and yachts already staying in the ports of the Republic of Croatia shall be allowed to enter the Republic of Croatia.
  5. Maritime agents, who, , organize the repatriation of seafarers from third countries to their homeland after their signing off in the Republic of Croatia, are recommended to provide in advance the necessary visas with a longer duration. Their travel arrangements should take into account possible restrictions in any of the transit countries in order for seafarers' return to take the shortest time possible.

Foreign nationals - owners of yachts and boats located in the Republic of Croatia

  1. This instruction applies to yachts and boats providing accommodation and multi-day stay onboard.
  2. Foreign nationals who own yachts and boats located in the Republic of Croatia may cross the state border upon presentation of documentation proving either the ownership of the vessel, or the entitlement to use the vessel (lease/leasing contract). The documentation proving the ownership should be also supported by berth usage contract and/or confirmation from the nautical port that the vessel is presently berthed in the respective marina.
  3. For vessels owned by a legal entity, foreign nationals who prove to be either the owners of the respective legal entity or a responsible person within the legal entity shall be considered owners of vessels within the meaning of these instructions.
  4. In addition to the owner of the vessel, his close family members may also cross the state border. When, in addition to the owner, members of his immediate family are to be on board, in addition to presenting the documents listed in point 2 above, it is necessary to present a completed List of crew and passengers of the yacht or boat for personal use attached to this instruction. To avoid unexpected crowds, marinas should confirm the arrival at the time indicated on the form.

Other foreign nationals crossing the state border

  1. Vessel charter, and/or using the accommodation service on ships, yachts and boats is considered a vitally important economic reason for coming to the Republic of Croatia that has to be evidenced by the List of crew and passengers entered in the eNautika system either by the charter company or by vessel's owner. The status of the document „Under preparation“ shall also be acceptable.
  2. The arrival of representatives of recognized foreign organizations (Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, DNV GL; RINA…) in Croatian shipyards and ports for the purpose of extending the validity of existing certificates or issuing new ones to ships and yachts, shall be allowed upon presentation of an invitation from the respective Croatian shipyard, ship owner or agent.

Sailing in and navigation in the Republic of Croatia

  1. Foreign boats and yachts with the hull length below 24 meters are still prohibited to enter the Republic of Croatia.
  2. Ships entering the Republic of Croatia for lay-up (temporary standstill) in Croatian ports will be allowed to enter only provided that there are about 40-50 crew members on board during the major portion of the approved period of stay, unless the ship has obtained approval from the local civil protection headquarters.
  3. Navigation is permitted to all the ships, yachts and boats currently in the Republic of Croatia.
  4. During vessel's stay at berth in ports open to public traffic and nautical ports, it is necessary to prevent the passage of guests and crew members from one vessel to another.
  5. Vessels not provided with built-in automatic identification systems (AIS) or any other electronic navigation tracking system are recommended to keep records of all port callings from the beginning of their navigation to the end of the navigation.

All the above crew members and boaters are recommended to limit their visits to the shore only to the most necessary ones in the first 14 days of stay in the Republic of Croatia. These 14 days will also include the days of sailing or staying at the anchorage before arriving in the Republic of Croatia, during which they had no contacts with other persons.

In addition to the above, other epidemiological measures published by the Croatian Institute of Public Health are to be applied.

Nautical tourism ports, charter companies and boat owners for multi-day cruises are obliged to adjust their work and provision of services to specific recommendations issued by the Croatian Institute of Public Health.

Sunday 17 May 2020

Marina Punat, Krk

The temporary ban on crossing the borders of the Republic of Croatia related to foreign citizens has been lifted for owners of real estate and vessels located in the Republic of Croatia and for the members of the owner's immediate family. 

Foreign citizens being owners of yachts and boats located in the Republic of Croatia can cross the country borders upon presenting the documentation proving their ownership of a vessel, documentation proving that they are the users of a vessel (Charter Contract or Lease Agreement).   Along with the documentation proving the ownership of the vessel, a berth contract and/or a confirmation of the nautical tourism port must be submitted confirming that the vessel is berthed at the respective port. Upon presenting the required documents, foreign citizens shall be allowed to cross the state border and shall be registered by entering the place/address of their stay, contact phone number and period of stay - until the planned date of departure from the Republic of Croatia.  

Crew List
Marina Punat, Krk


Foreign citizens are required to adhere to general epidemiological measures during their stay in the Republic of Croatia, as follows:

  • During the first 14 days following the entry into the Republic of Croatia, leaving the accommodation/vessel is limited only to absolutely necessary situations, carrying out the enhanced ongoing implementation of hygienic measures.
  • When leaving the accommodation for necessary purposes, it is recommended to wear a mask or a covering for the nose and mouth, to keep a physical distance from others (minimum 1,5 meters) and to practice good hand hygiene.
  • Wash your hands as often as possible using warm water and soap and/or use a hand sanitizer rubbing it well over the surface of your palms. Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose and eyes.
  • Avoid using public transport. When using the means of transport, it is recommended to use it alone or to share it only with the persons from the same household/accommodation.
  • Crowded areas and public gatherings should be consistently avoided.
  • During their stay in the accommodation/on board the vessel, the persons concerned prepare meals themselves, ie use food and beverage delivery services.
  • Payments are made by using non-cash card payments or online services.
  • Body temperature should be measured every morning. If it exceeds 37,2 degrees, it should be taken again after 10 minutes and if the temperature again exceeds 37,2 degrees, the person should stay in the accommodation/on board the vessel and contact the chosen general practitioner, if any (Croatian nationals), or a competent local epidemiologist.
  • In case of any symptoms of acute respiratory infection (cough, sore throat, high temperature, short breath/difficulty in breathing, loss of smell and taste), it is necessary to stay in your accommodation/on board the vessel and contact the chosen general practitioner, if any (Croatian nationals), or a competent local epidemiologist.
  • In case of sudden onset or severe, life-threatening symptoms, the person should contact the emergency medical services.
  • Foreign citizens can be assisted by marina staff when contacting the epidemiological services.
  • During their stay at the marinas, the boat owners are required to adhere to the specific epidemiological measures related to the stay at the marinas and referring to the interaction with marina staff, visits to the front-desk of the marina, the use of toilets, the use of supplementary services of the marina and movements at the marinas in general (marinas are required to officially publish the instructions and recommendations on their websites and display them at visible locations within the marina itself).
  • Self-isolation or quarantine upon arrival in the Republic of Croatia is NOT mandatory for foreign nationals.


If upon crossing the border of the Republic of Croatia, the person develops the symptoms of the disease, he/she shall remain in the accommodation/on board the vessel and call a competent local epidemiologist or marina staff who shall inform the competent local epidemiologist thereof. 

Croatian and foreign citizens can request additional information and clarifications at Info Number 112 or 113.

Telephone numbers of epidemiologists on standby:

  • Emergency medical service       112
  • COVID-19 Call Center    113
  • Institute for Public Health of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County     +385911257210
  • Institute for Public Health of Lika-Senj County                +385915044917
  • Institute for Public Health of Zadar County       +38598332765
  • Institute for Public Health of Knin County         +385914341201
  • Institute for Public Health of Split - Dalmatia County   +385911512003
  • Institute for Public Health of Istrian County      +385995294455
  • Institute for Public Health of Dubrovnik-Neretva County          +38598243454
  • Croatian Institute for Public Health       +38598227753


Persons having symptoms of the disease caused by the virus COVID-19 are not recommended to enter into the Republic of Croatia. 

In the circumstances caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, it is of the utmost importance for us to protect the health of the boat owners and their guests, as well as of the marina employees and all other visitors, while providing reliable services to all the clients of our marinas at the same time.  Therefore, we kindly ask you to adhere to all the prescribed measures, instructions and recommendations during your stay at the marinas.  For any further question, please feel free to contact the marina staff by phone or e-mail.



Saturday 16 May 2020

Nwe Lighthouse Macaknar

New lighthouse was built on island Macaknar in Soltanski channel. Lighthouse stands on the southern tip of the island. Red Iron construction is 6 m tall. Light is 9 m above waterline . It emits 2 short flashes of red light every 5 s. In sector 087°-235° the light is dimmed. Light can be seen from a distance of 4 nmi. Characteristic of the light is R Fl(2) 5s 9m 4M (dimmed 087°-235°).

Lighthouse is already in our Adriatic Guide. You can find it under direct link: Lighthouse Macaknar. Picture no. 3 shows exact position and animation of the light.  Insert the lighthouse into your navigational charts!

Sunday 03 May 2020

Alfastreet Marine: Functionality without compromises. 28 Cabin is a cruiser designed for beginners and nautical experts, that combines design and usability. The 28 Cabin is a Mediterranean type of boat, which, at its 9.79 m lengt...
Tuesday 21 Apr 2020

Iridium Communications announced the first seven companies it has authorized to provide its Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) services, planned for commercial introduction in the first half of 2020.

The seven companies, Arion Communications, AST, Marlink, Marsat, NSSLGlobal, Satcom Global and Speedcast will be the first in the industry to provide truly global satellite GMDSS service to mariners, and the first to offer a new choice in satellite network and equipment. Iridium GMDSS will be the first to feature all three GMDSS services - safety voice, distress alerting and maritime safety information messaging, as well as being able to utilize Iridium's global voice and data services - all in one cost-effective and compact terminal.

These GMDSS service providers will play a critical role in delivering and supporting Iridium GMDSS capabilities on ships, including for fleets interested in transitioning to the truly global Iridium network.

GMDSS is a safety-of-life system created by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) designed to rescue mariners in distress while at sea. Its satellite communications capabilities are regulated by the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO). Iridium received recognition to provide GMDSS from the IMO in 2018 and signed a public services agreement with IMSO to act as regulator of the service in 2019.

Tuesday 14 Apr 2020

Elan Impression 40.1

The I40.1’s modernized deck is a sight to behold. The new vertical transom allows for more cockpit space, a modern look, and the option of a large or small bathing platform – the size of which also determines either an enclosed transom or a sportier open transom feel. The addition of two aft storage boxes can be upgraded with a grill, a fridge, or a sink. Still reigning above are the iconic Elan Impression transom seats, which are always taken first by an enthusiastic crew!

Saturday 28 Mar 2020

Clipper 2019-20 Race Postponed

With the ongoing global outbreak of Covid-19 and the enormous impact it has created on world travel, the Clipper 2019-20 Race has been postponed with immediate effect.

This decision has been in no way taken lightly. Our crew are currently under quarantine in Subic Bay, Philippines, where the Clipper Race fleet has been berthed since Sunday 15 March. The island of Luzon (where Subic Bay is located) is currently under "enhanced community quarantine".

In addition, the fleet was due to race across the North Pacific Ocean from 21 March towards Seattle. However, with the city currently in a state of emergency and travel and medical insurance restrictions in the United States, we could not allow our teams to depart without a viable destination. This, along with the growing global uncertainty on how the situation could develop in the coming months, meant postponing the race was the safest option for all involved.

Our first priority, as soon as the local quarantine has been lifted, will be to assist our crew in Subic Bay in travelling home from the Philippines as swiftly as possible.

The Clipper 2019-20 Race has three legs remaining. These race stages will now be postponed for approximately ten months, when the remaining circumnavigation will be completed. This length of postponement allows for us to avoid adverse weather patterns on the remainder of our global route.

All Leg 6, 7 and 8 crew, along with our circumnavigators, will be able to rejoin the race when it resumes next year.

This postponement will have an impact on the timing of future races. The next full edition of the Clipper Race will start in the summer of 2022. More details on this will be confirmed at a later date.

We are extremely disappointed to postpone the remainder of the Clipper 2019-20 Race. We are proud of all of our intrepid crew for having competed in this race edition since it departed London and look forward to welcoming all of our upcoming crew next year when the race continues. We are also grateful to all of our crew, supporters and Race Partners for their continued support.

Tuesday 24 Mar 2020

A futuristic fiberglass floating structure. with a total surface of 314 sq. m and spanning twenty meters in diameter, the luxurious houseboat is coming straight out from another galaxy.

U.F.O 2.0 is composed of a central shell divided into three different levels: the main living area (80 sq m) with kitchen, storage and bathroom; the sub level (50 sq m) with a seabed view bedroom and large bathroom with a 50 sq.m terrace as an upper deck/floor to control the vehicle.

The possibilities of usage and layouts are unlimited for this proposed model; the U.F.O 2.0 can be used for a number of purposes including hotel reception, gym or a floating restaurant. furthermore, the external deck can be customized into garden platforms and teak can be installed instead of panels.

The UFO 2 is equipped with 2 x 80 hp electric engines able to move the floating object with an estimated maximum speed of 9 knots. Inside the disk 16 Batteries are installed and with solar panels, wind and water turbines, the autonomy is unlimited. A kickstarter campaign will start in the next weeks with the possibility to reserve already your first night and day in the UFO !

Monday 23 Mar 2020

Elan flagship GT6

Elan flagship GT6 is a next-generation Grand Tourer that delivers the perfect balance of speed and power, comfort and luxury, good handling and precise control.


Stiff, stable and weatherly, the high-performance hull and sailplan by Humphreys Yacht Design are optimised for short-handed, medium-range cruising. Three generations of Humphreys/Elan design evolution and extensive CFD modelling produce a refined yacht that handles like a thoroughbred and delivers exhilarating performance on all points of sail, across the full range of wind and sea conditions.

Unique styling by Studio F. A. Porsche gives the GT6 a strikingly elegant silhouette with sharp, distinctive lines and elaborately curved surfaces that create beautiful flares of light as the yacht moves through the water. In the cockpit, excellent ergonomics and a host of innovative design features bring a new level of luxury to life on board.


Studio F. A. Porsche’s iconic design values and world-class ergonomics create a uniquely stylish, luxurious and practical living space inside the GT6. The sleek panoramic deck saloon gives a wonderful 180° view and a cleverly inverted layout makes the best possible use of the spacious, broad-beamed hull.

The galley is forward, right on top of the keel where the yacht’s motion at sea is most comfortable with minimal heeling, pitching and rolling. This frees up space further aft for a huge full-beam saloon. A lavish owner’s suite with a king-size island double bed makes best use of the forepeak and big through-hull windows in every cabin give a great view out.

A wide range of layout options and configurations are available to tailor the rest of the accommodation, systems and stowage on board to best suit you, your crew and your style of sailing. And throughout the boat, exquisite details, premium materials and a beautifully handcrafted finish enhance the joy of being on board.

GT6 360 experience

Elan flagship GT6

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See the GT6development timeline

Friday 20 Mar 2020

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