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Navtični abomna 2025 – 7 online predavanj, ki jih pred začetkom sezone ne smete zamuditi
Izkoristite priložnost in pred začetkom sezone nadgradite svoje navtično znanje. V sklopu 7 predavanj boste spoznali ključne teme, ki vam bodo pomagale pri varni in samozavestni plovbi v prihajajoči navtični sezoni.
Zelo uspešnega online navtičnega abonmaja se je v letu 2023 udeležilo več kot 120 znanja željnih skipperjev.
Letos smo moči ponovno združili Karpo Sailing, in eNavtika, da vam ponudimo še boljše online izobraževanje za skipperje in jadralske navdušence. Glavni predavatelj je Maks Vrečko, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore.
Investirajte v svoje navtično znanje – za še bolj brezskrbno in užitka polno plovbo na Jadranskem morju.
7 predavanj z uporabnimi praktičnimi nasveti za skipperje in jadralce, ki želijo izboljšati svojo samozavest in znanje na morju.
- Kako uživati na jadranju - nasveti za sproščen dopust na morju
- Izbira prave jadrnice glede na število oseb in udobje.
- Postopek prevzema in vračanja plovila brez stresa.
- Primerjava različnih izhodišč in destinacij na Jadranu.
- Pregled najuporabnejših navtičnih aplikacij (za vreme, navigacijo, marine).
- Prilagajanje plovbe vremenskim razmeram – osnove meteorologije.
- Kako pravilno reagirati ob nevihti ali močnem vetru.
- Skipperiranje brez zapletov - ključni manevri za samozavestno plovbo
- Priprava in izvedba vplutja in izplutja.
- Sidranje na različnih terenih – od peščene morske gladine do skal.
- Učinkovito vezanje na bojo in varnostni ukrepi.
- Manevri vplutja v tuj pristan in komunikacija z lokalnimi upravljalci priveza.
- Prednosti in slabosti nočitve na sidru, boji ali v marini.
- Pravilna tehnika privezovanja s krmo na obalo.
- Kako dve jadrnici zvezati skupaj.
- Skipper - ključ do povezane ekipe in uspešnega jadranja
- Organizacija posadke in dodeljevanje nalog.
- Pomen vloge namestnika skipperja.
- Aktivno vključevanje posadke v plovbo in skrb za motivacijo.
- Bonton na morju – odnosi na naši jadrnici in z drugimi plovili.
- Obvladovanje nepredvidljivih situacij in konfliktov.
- Praktični nasveti za ravnanje s pomanjkanjem vode in elektrike.
- Zgodbe z naukom - kaj nas učijo najbolj boleče napake na morju
- Analiza resničnih primerov nesreč in napak z Jadrana.
- Ključne lekcije za preprečevanje ponavljanja napak.
- Reševanje kritičnih situacij: okvara motorja, poškodbe krmila, zapleti z vrvmi in sidrom.
- Osnovna uporaba varnostne opreme.
- Najpogostejše napake pri načrtovanju in izvedbi plovbe.
- Ali je v močnem vetru za neizkušene bolj smiselno motoriranje ali jadranje.
- Nastavitve jader glede na smer in moč vetra
- Razlaga osnovnih smeri jadranja in nastavitev jader za počitniško plovbo.
- Štiri osnovni in dva napredna manevra z jadri za varno in enostavno plovbo.
- Tehnike za povečanje hitrosti in stabilnosti jadrnice.
- Pravilna uporaba vanga, drsnikov in drugih pripomočkov za nastavitev jader.
- Kako prepoznati optimalno nastavitev jadra glede na razmere.
- Problematika nenadnega preleta buma.
- Kaj storiti, če nas nenadno preseneti močnejši veter.
- Ali najprej krajšamo glavno jadro ali genovo.
- Genaker - za več hitrosti in zabave na dopustu ali regati
- Učenje uporabe genakerja brez inštruktorja.
- Priprava na dvig genakerja in pravilna izvedba manevra.
- Tehnike za učinkovito upravljanje in trimanje genakerja.
- Izvajanje notranjega in zunanjega obrata z vetrom (gybe).
- Varne in hitre metode spusta genakerja.
- Dodelitev ključnih vlog v posadki za manevre z genakerjem.
- Nasveti za reševanje zapletov.
- Najpogostejša vprašanja skipperjev
- Vzpostavljanje dobrega odnosa med skipperjem in čarteristom.
- Kako oceniti svojo pripravljenost za najem jadrnice (samozavest in znanje).
- Preprečevanje kritičnih situacij in kako se nanje pripraviti.
- Kako se v petek popoldne izogniti večurnemu čakanju na bencinskih črpalkah.
- Vprašanja udeležencev navtičnega abonmaja.
- Karpo
- eNavtika
- JK Loka Timing
Termin: Online MS Teams predavanja februar in marec 2025
Predavanja bodo posneta in si jih v primeru odsotnosti lahko ogledate naknadno.
Predavatelj | Maks Vrečko
Maks Vrečko goji strast do jadranja in jadrnic že od leta 1994, ko je opravil izpit za voditelja čolna. Leta 2010 se je samostojno podal na svojo prvo plovbo s čartersko jadrnico, kar ga je, po nekaj letih stresa in nezgod, pripeljalo do spoznanja, da potrebuje več znanja.
Med letoma 2016 in 2018 je uspešno opravil zahteven izpit RYA Yachtmaster Offshore, s čimer je postavil temelje za zahtevnejše jadralne podvige. Svoje oceanske izkušnje je nadgradil z jadranjem preko Biskajskega zaliva in Avstralskega južnega morja.
Maks je lastnik jadrnice Elan 450 Karpo, s katero skupaj s svojo ekipo tekmuje na regatah. Najbolj odmeven uspeh je dosegel na prestižni regati Rolex Middle Sea Race, eni najtežjih offshore regat na svetu, kjer je ekipa osvojila 1. mesto v skupini IRC5.
Od leta 2019 Maks izvaja praktične tečaje za skipperje, ki navdušujejo tako začetnike kot tudi izkušene jadralce. Njegov pristop, osredotočen na intenzivnost in uporabne nasvete, zagotavlja udeležencem samozavest in veščine za varno ter uspešno plovbo.
Sopredavatelj | Tomaž Gregorič
Tomaž Gregorič se profesionalno ukvarja z navtičnim izobraževanjem že od leta 2001, ko je skupaj z Gregorjem Jeretičem ustanovil podjetje Spinaker d.o.o. Spinaker je od takrat izobrazil že več kot 36.000 ljudi, ki plujejo po Jadranu in drugih morjih. Spinaker pa je tudi avtor in založnik navtične literature v slovenščini in tujih jezikih, ki šteje že več kot 108.000 izvodov. Tomaž ni samo strasten jadralec, ampak tudi strasten pedagog, ki želi navtično znanje, tako teoretično kot praktično, prenesti na čim več bodočih navtikov in tistih, ki želijo svoje navtično znanje poglobiti.
Svoja teoretična znanja Tomaž neprestano širi s sodelovanjem z mnogimi evropskimi univerzami in akademijami na razvojnih projektih, svoja praktična znanja pa širi predvsem s pogostim poučevanjem na raznovrstnih tečajih jadranja in samostojno plovbo na Spinakerjevi jadrnici Dufour 350 GL.
Pomočnik predavatelja | Matic Vrečko
Matic je svojo prvo samostojno plovbo s čartersko jadrnico in skupino prijateljev izvedel pri 18 letih, pri 24 pa že samostojno preplul Atlantik. Njegovo vrhunsko znanje jadranja mu v regatnih ekipah pogosto prinese najzahtevnejšo vlogo taktika, kjer s svojimi odločitvami pomembno vpliva na rezultate.
Kot dipl. ing. strojništva je na družinski jadrnici Karpo izvedel vrsto tehničnih izboljšav, ki so prispevale k njeni boljši in bolj učinkoviti plovbi.
Matic svojo strast do jadranja uspešno prenaša na vrstnike. Poleg tega organizira flotna jadranja za mlade in poskrbi za zabavne aktivnosti, ki jadranje naredijo še bolj privlačno in nepozabno.
Marina Punat won the Golden Anchor award for the second time, a prestigious grant prize for the best marina in 2019 according to boaters.
The competition for the best nautical marina in the Adriatic is organised for the third year in a row by the leading daily newspaper, Jutarnji list, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and sponsored by the Croatian National Tourist Board. A nautical patrol consisting of 6 journalists and 2 interviewers visited as many as 34 marines, from Umag to Dubrovnik, recorded and evaluated the nautical offer and conducted more than 1000 surveys among the present boaters.
Marina Punat is especially proud to have won this award for the second time, which confirms that it is the leading marina in terms of quality of offer and service as well as customer satisfaction.
We are also proud of the fact that our quality has been recognized by professional associations year after year.
Although daytime temperatures are still very high for this time of the year, the warmth of the sauna and wellness will suit many in the evenings. At the Hotel Kanajt, you can relax and enjoy one of four available saunas. In addition to the classic Finnish, aromatic or infrared sauna, there is a Turkish bath, and you can spend time with a good book on comfortable beds or enjoy a hot tub in the relax zone.
Punat is well connected to nearby towns by cycling paths, and during the day you can take one of the many hiking trails… The nearby Veli vrh offers a beautiful view of the entire bay.
Refreshments are available at our pizzeria 9 bofora, which is open every day from 7:30 am to 10 pm this winter. In addition to a large selection of great pizzas, we also have a special winter offer of warm dishes. In addition to the traditional stew with šurlice, homemade pasta with prawns, prosciutto, mushrooms, we also have cod truffles, seafood prosciutto (smoked tuna – wasabi), and for those of you who want small sweet bites, we recommend homemade chestnut cake or chocolate pearls.
We are delighted that many guests see our marina as their second home. We often receive letters and packages intended for you or various merchandise for your boat. In order to divert the post and packages to the right place as fast as possible, please make sure that the sender always states your name, boat name and a contact number, preferably your cell phone number. This will greatly facilitate our identification of shipments.
Unfortunately, we have no place to store large shipments for boats, so please notify us in advance if you are planning on having a larger package delivered. In case you are not at the marina at the pickup time, you can inform our customer service and the marina staff will store this large package on your boat. This service is charged extra.
The marina market will be closed for the winter from this day, but there is still a shop available – the discount store near the dry marina as well as shops in Punat and the surrounding area.
The 14th Alpe Adria Sailing Week 2020 regatta will be held in Punat next year from 24th to 28th May.
Under the motto “Stronger together”, sailing teams from across Austria will come together once again.
As before, there are four sailing categories:
- Alpe Adria Cup with spinnaker (ORC)
- Austria Cup in one design class with spinnaker (sailboats First 35)
- Kärntner Cruising Trophy with spinnaker (ORC)
- Alpe Adria Cruising Cup without spinnaker (ORC)
You can read more at the organizer’s website, and the host – Marina Punat will make sure of having a good time with numerous local specialties.
Registration and instructions are available for download here.
A day charged with emotion and pride has been witnessed in Punta del Este today as the crew of non-professional sailors set off for the second leg of the Clipper 2019-20 Race. The fleet slipped lines at 15:00 UTC in front of a huge crowd lining the marina, departing from the place it has called home for the past week.
Before the Slipping Lines Ceremony Qingdao AQP, Rhiannon Massey said: “I’m feeling very excited to get going again. I always have those little nerves, but I can’t wait to get back on the water and get racing.”
She continued “It’s amazing there’s so many people here already. When we turned up this morning, we had loads of locals and supporters welcoming us. And we now have the Navy band playing, and there are so many people.”
Skipper of Imagine your Korea, Mike Surridge, spoke about the hospitality they have received here: “Punta del Este has been fantastic. The food and drink has been really good, and the hospitality has been outstanding, not just at the Yacht Club Punta del Este but also the broader population.
After the teams had left the vicinity of the port, cheering, singing and dancing to their dedicated team songs, the crowd relocated to watch the Parade of Sail. The spectacle didn’t disappoint; a vibrant show of colours ensued on a choppy sea, under a dazzling sun. The fleet were joined by navy vessels and multiple spectator boats.
The race officially began at 1800 UTC and Unicef was the first across the start line, followed closely by Race 2 winners, Qingdao and then Zhuhai. Qingdao resumed a leading position, crossing the first mark ahead of the pack. The team continued in the lead for all five marks until they were out of sight, whilst Visit Sanya, China and Unicef were the second and third teams to finish the course.
Race 3 of the Clipper 2019-20 Race, named the Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown, is now underway with Qingdao top of the leaderboard with 36 points followed by Punta del Este and Visit Sanya, China both with 23 points. The 3,555 nautical mile race is a fast, short race (approximately 17 days) and could see a very close finish as the fleet tackle trade winds, unpredictable weather and great swells before arriving into Cape Town with the incredible backdrop of Table Mountain.
The fleet is due to arrive in Cape Town between Thursday 7 and Monday 11 November.
Current positions 24.10.2019 at 10.00
Position | Team | DTF (nmi) |
SOG (kn) |
DIF (nmi) |
1 | HA LONG BAY, VIET NAM | 3446.78 | 10,3 | - |
2 | VISIT SANYA, CHINA | 3448.09 | 9,7 | -1.31 |
3 | ZHUHAI | 3448.96 | 10,1 | -2.18 |
4 | GOTOBERMUDA | 3449.05 | 9,8 | -2.27 |
5 | SEATTLE | 3451.49 | 9,9 | -4.71 |
6 | WTC LOGISTICS | 3454.05 | 10,2 | -7.27 |
7 | UNICEF | 3454.77 | 9,5 | -7.99 |
8 | IMAGINE YOUR KOREA | 3455.15 | 10,3 | -8.37 |
9 | PUNTA DEL ESTE | 3487.10 | 8,6 | -40.32 |
10 | QINGDAO | 3487.43 | 6,0 | -40.65 |
11 | DARE TO LEAD | 3489.74 | 10,4 | -42.96 |
In month of October we will publish new videos of marinas, ports and anchorages in eastern Adriatic coast. Check the video below and se a part of premieres in October. Follow us.
This catagory is all about typical cruising boats. They need to offer enough room and comfort for you to take your family, but they should be easily enough managed to sail double- or singlehanded as well. Beyond this versatility family cruisers need to be relatively affordable which is why many come from the big production builders. While in the past the segment was mainly derived from the 30 to 45 foot range the market has seen more and more larger models lately – which also tend to become more sophisticated every year. This trend is driven in part by the charter business. By their very nature and their attractive price tags typical family cruisers are often to be found in charter fleets. But there are quite different proposals from small yards as well.
Revising existing models instead of developing completely new yachts has become somewhat of a trend among many builders. There are boats in the market which have been updated several times over the last ten or fifteen years. So did Elan: The Slowenian brand has just released the 4th iteration of her 45-footer. With a new deck and a completely revamped interior the boat has gained a lot of appeal for both owners and charter skippers with 3 to 4 cabins and 6 to 10 berths if the salon sofa and table are to be converted into a bed. Enough to beat the competition among which there is last year's category winner from Beneteau, the 46.1?
- Length: 13.00 m
- Width: 4.18 m
- Draft: 1.90 m (opt. 1.60 m)
- Displacement: 10.5 t
- Sail area: 99.3 sqm
The announcement of this year’s winners, will take place during the Flagship-Night on the first evening of the Boot Düsseldorf (18.01.2020).
Following the spectacle and ceremony of the fleet’s departure from St. Katharine Docks, London, the first stage of the Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race officially started on Monday 2 September, at 1000 BST, in the Thames Estuary.
Dare To Lead was the first team to hoist its spinnaker and had it flying as they charged for the line in the closing minutes leading up to Race Start which took place very close to Southend Pier. A treat for the many spectators who had come out to watch on the pier.
Taking the honour of being the first to cross the start line of Race 1 was Qingdao, Skippered by Southend local Chris Brooks, who maximised home waters to his advantage. Dare To Lead crossed in second position, narrowly followed by Unicef in third.
The conditions were as expected, with 10 - 12 knots (Force 3-4), from the west-south-west, a flat sea and beautiful sunshine warming the day. The breeze was stable giving a great downwind start and increased very steadily as time went on. Lessening the effect of the beginnings of the spring flood tide against the fleet at the start this, however, would only strengthen as they headed out into the Thames Estuary towards the east horizon.
Clipper Race Director, Mark Light, who oversaw Race Start said: “All yachts got away well and made a magnificent sight as they stretched out to the east with their spinnakers flying silhouetted against the brilliant sunshine.”
Racing remained tight with the Qingdao team managing to maintain a slim lead of a couple of nautical miles between themselves and the chasing pack. Qingdao Skipper, Chris Brooks, reported: “The crew perfectly correlated to achieve the plan. The idea was to time race start perfectly to hoist the Spinnaker and pull into the lead.
“We led all the way to the South East where the wind died. It was painful to watch as five yachts came through inside us with pressure as we wallowed in self pity and lifeless air.”
The fleet compressed as it reached Margate, with positions changing frequently in the fickle winds. Guy Waites, Skipper of Dare To Lead noted: “We could have taken down each others sails let alone our own we were so close by!”
However, it wasn’t long though until the wind filled in, south southwest, for an upwind beat in shore along the English southeast coast. Zhuhai Skipper, Nick Leggatt, said: “We settled into our first night with a reefed Main, Staysail and Yankee 2, as we faced the prospect of a lot of tacking through the Straits of Dover and down towards Beachy Head.
“A tiring night, and some battered and bruised bodies at the end of it, but the day has just dawned with the Zhuhai still in second place as we round Beachy Head and continue down the English Channel.”
Join us on a traditional Viška regata between 17. and 20. October 2019!
If you loves sailing and you wish to obtain sailing and regatta experience, join us, we will have a great time! Prior sailing knowledge and experience is not necessary.
The regatta is sailed in two stages, the first one from Split to the island Vis and the second from Vis to Split. It brings together some 150 top of the line sailing boats and more than 1000 sailors from different countries.
The regatta includes also a day off on the magical island of Vis, which is in the time of regatta overtaken by thousands of sailors. The Vis Regatta is known as one of the 10 top Croatian regattas.
Cost: 350 € / person
Eary sailor price (until 10th of September): 330 €
The price includes:
- yacht rental
- transit log
- gennaker
- professional skipper,
- regatta fee,
- one dinner on Vis island
- Just Perfect T-Shirt
The price does not include:
food & drinks, fuel, transport, parking in marina, mooring, insurance, optional activities (scooter or SUP rental…)
More info:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., + 386 51 604 395
Sea U There!
New Elan Impression 40.1 is all new. It has new exterior and new interior.
Let's check what's new.
New exterior
The I40.1’s modernized deck is a sight to behold. The new vertical transom allows for more cockpit space, a modern look, and the option of a large or small bathing platform – the size of which also determines either an enclosed transom or a sportier open transom feel. The addition of two aft storage boxes can be upgraded with a grill, a fridge, or a sink. Still reigning above are the iconic Elan Impression transom seats, which are always taken first by an enthusiastic crew!
The steering pedestals allow for 9″ electronics, and the practical steering wheels are made of light composite. Walking past the large, fold-down table with drink holders is a breeze, as is moving around the cockpit and handling the winches. The table was designed to be accommodating when moored and practical when sailing, thanks to the integrated handrail and cupholders.
New interior
Not many can reach as high a standard as a company with more than seventy years of experience in woodworking and carpentry. Elan’s craftsmen had always been leaps and bounds ahead of the competition – and their work with the new Impression 40.1 pushes the limits even further. The interior furniture is made from iroko wood veneer enhanced by solid iroko wood finish. Iroko (or African teak) is beautiful and durable, and combined with smart design and placement it makes the interior truly stand out. The spacious and light saloon will delight all guests, and the galley with a 130 l front-opening fridge will make life easier when cruising. Available in four different cabin layout configurations, the I40.1 can be customized to suit any need.
Technical specification
Length | 11.99 m | 39’4’’ ft |
Hull length | 11.48 m | 37’8’’ ft |
Length at waterline | 10.00 m | 32’1’’ ft |
Beam | 3.91 m | 12’10’’ ft |
Draft | 1.80 m | 5’11’’ ft, (opt1. 1.50m | 4’11’’ ft) |
Light displacement | 8.368 kg | 18,4 lbs |
Ballast | 2.545 kg | 5,6 lbs or 2.479 kg | 5.5 lbs |
Water capacity (standard) | 240 liters | 63 US gal |
Water capacity (option) | 520 liters | 137 US gal |
Fuel capacity | 146 liters | 38 US gal |
Engine Volvo (standard) | 20 kW | 29 HP |
Engine Yanmar (standard) | 20 kW / 29 HP |
Engine Volvo (option) | 29 kW | 39 HP |
Air draft | 17.60 m | 57’9’’ ft |
Mainsail | 37.9 m2 | 407’9’’ sq ft |
Furling | 31.59 m2 | 340’1’’ sq ft |
Genoa | 38.1 m2 | 410’1’’ sq ft |
Gennaker | 98.0 m2 | 1054’8’’ sq ft |
I | 13.96 m | 45’10’’ ft |
J | 3.90 m | 12’9’’ ft |
P | 13.00 m | 42’8’’ ft |
E | 4.86 m | 15’11’’ ft |
Marinas face new business challenges every day, and one of the most destructive are fires. We've recently had two such events, leading us to believe that there is no such thing as sufficient preventive measures.
Marina Punat Group will continue to work on reducing risk of sinking and fire as much as possible, and we will keep regularly informing you of any measures undertaken to prevent fires.
In order to protect your and our valuable assets in the best possible way, we would like to provide you with a few important pointers.
We urge boat owners to keep vessels connected to the power grid according to professional standards. This means that, when you are staying in a marina, a single vessel can only be connected to a single power outlet on an electricity cabinet. For safety reasons and to be fair towards other users, please adhere to this rule.
Only use the power outlet while you are on the boat or on the pier near the boat. As part of our safety measures, we check and control boats in the sea and on land every day, as well as all buildings and open work areas in the marina. Vessels not properly connected to an electricity cabinet or vessels with no crew may be disconnected from our infrastructure without previous notification.
Battery maintenance and connection to the electrical cabinet can only be entrusted to the Service Providers of our Yacht Service or Punat Shipyard or to authorized Marina Punat Group partners who are registered for such activities.
When leaving the boat, don't forget to turn off the 220V electricity when no crew is present. Also, turn off the main switch and electronic ignition switches.
In order to provide additional protection for your property, take advantage of the new smoke, heat and water intrusion detection system using smart sensors – developed by our partner Marina Cloud, and become an active participant in preventing fire and sinking risk. Read more.
We count on your support and joint intent to protect the assets of great importance to us all.
New sanitary facilities
The old sanitary facility in the north of the marina is history. At the same place, a completely new sanitary facility covering 700 m2 is just being completed and will be ready by the beginning of the new nautical season. Our guests will be especially delighted with the fact that one entire wing is occupied by spacious bathrooms. This facility will also feature a self-service laundry, outdoor showers, a stepped gazebo and a shower for pets. The new sanitary facilities will be pleasantly cool in the summer and heated by underfloor heating in the winter.
New offer on the Medane beach
We are raising the level of our offer on the sunbathing area near the Medane beach as well. This season, you will find a newly-furnished beach bar with an even better offer of fresh drinks and snacks. Next to the bar is a small pool where you can enjoy your drinks. A playground has been built for children, and both children and adults can play beach volleyball. We remind Marina Club card owners that they still have free transport from the marina to the beach with a 50 % discount on deck chairs and parasols.
Spa&Beauty QUEEN
Pamper yourself with beauty and care treatments even during your vacation. The new beauty salon in hotel Kanajt offers various face, hands and feet treatments all year long. Please call +385 (0)95 840 27 35 to check available timeslots and make reservations.
Discount for checking out of your berth in the summer months
Did you know that you can realize additional benefits during the summer months? Boats owners with an annual sea berth (and who don't carry out the economic activity of chartering vessels) will be approved 5 € per day for announced absences from 1 July to 31 August 2019.
This is how you can take advantage of this benefit:
Personally or via e-mail announce an absence of your boat from the marina if it lasts for more than 3 days during July and August .
More informations: