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GPS 44° 50' N , 14° 48' E
Nr. of moorings 15
Water depth 3 m
Opening hours 1.1- 31.12.
Gas station 14 NM - Krk & Rab


Port Melna is on north west side of island Goli. Water depths in the port are over 3 m. At the shore water depths are 2 m or more. Port is protected from eastern winds. Others cause swell. In strong bura (NE wind) only north part of the port is suitable for docking. Docking is possible sideways or anchoring and tieing the stern to the shore. Only a few mooring cleats are available.

Melna was a cargo port during the operation of island Goli as a political prison. Stone product (terrrazo, stone plates,..) from the prisoners were loaded to the ships and exported. There is only one restaurant on the island. It's in the port Mala Tatina 500 from the port Melna.

Wind protection/Weather


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  • Saramič Anchorage 2.04 nmi
  • Stolac Anchorage 2.06 nmi
  • Podšilo Anchorage 2.24 nmi


06.08.2023 10€ /dan
01.09.2020 0,00 HRK/dan


Ana Zala
Bočno privezali 12m jadrnico in se sprehodili ob obali do Male Tetine cca 300m. Privezi prazni, medtem ko so nam v Mali Tetini, kjer smo se najprej ustavili svetovali, da se zapeljemo sem, ker je tam polno turističnih ladij. Ogled možen z vlakcem.
Tue | 13 Aug | 2024
Mitja H
20 novih muringov, 10€ na noč, gratis za goste konobe.
Tue | 15 Aug | 2023
Mojca D.S.
ja,da se privezat,le manjši čolni imajo nekaj težave,saj je pomol zelo visok in izkrcavanje potrebuje nekaj gimnastike.......drugače,pa zelo lepo in vsaj bilo je!
Wed | 27 Mar | 2013