Čuska duboka

Dugi otok


Objavil(a) eNavtika


GPS 43° 54' N , 15° 11' E
Gas station 8 NM - Zaglav
e-mail telascica@telascica.hr
Water depth 2 - 15 m
Place Telaščica, Dugi otok
Opening hours 1.1. - 31.12.
Nr. of moorings 30 - sidranje na lastnem sidru
Phone +385 377 096; +385 98 467 988


Cuska Duboka is a bay in south eastern part of island Dugi in natural park Telascica. It is a very narrow bay. Water depths are from 1 m in the north to 15 m in the south part. North most part is not suitable for anchoring. Water depths are below 1 m. There are three concrete blocks in the south eastern part of the bay. Longer yacht or ships can dock. For anchoring the middle part of the bay is most suitable. Water depths are between 2 and 10 m. Seamed is sandy and partly covered with sea grass. Anchor holds well. It is recommended to tie the stern of the boat to the rocks on the shore. During the night burin (NE wind) can blow through the bay.

Bay is in natural park Telascica. Entrance fee must be paid.

Wind protection/Weather


  • knots


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  • Rasovac Anchorage 0.78 nmi
  • Gozdenjak Anchorage 0.83 nmi
  • Bihanj Anchorage 1.01 nmi

Upcoming events


28.03.2015 do 11m 150(200) HRK /m/dan
28.03.2015 do 18m 300 (350) HRK /m/dan
28.03.2015 do 25m 600(700) HRK /dan


O tem navdušeno piše že Bogić 1985. Sploh pa bi bilo morda vredno preiskati vse opuščene (?) priveze, ki jih je naredila JLA in jih (če niso več vojaška skrivnost ?!) dati javnost - v peljarje oziroma (varna) privezišča. (n.pr. tudi na Unijah je tako celo v reguliranem sidrišču Maračol)in še marsikje ...
Thu | 02 Apr | 2015