


Objavil(a) eNavtika


GPS 43° 49' N , 15° 15' E
Nr. of moorings 6 boj
Water depth 4.0 - 20.0m
Opening hours celo leto
Gas station 9 nmi Zaglav


Levernaka is a small island in National park Kornati. In a deep bay it is suitable for overnight stay. Bay is well protected against all winds except from bura (NE wind) and tramontana (N wind). Docking is possible on the pier on the south side of the bay. Mooring are available for the guests of the restaurant. Pier on the west side is reserved from 10.00 to 17.00 for tourist boats. After 17.00 it is possible to dock sideways and stay for the night. There is enough room for 2 - 3 boats. In bay is allowed to anchor on your own anchor. Water depths are between 3 to 15 m. Water depth in passage between island Levernaka and Susica in les than 1 m. Bay is in national park Kornati. Entry ticket must be purchased. Ticket are cheaper online. You must purchase them 1 day in advance.

Wind protection/Weather


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  • Lojena Anchorage 0.28 nmi
  • Gospa od Tarca Anchorage 0.56 nmi
  • Kravljačica Anchorage 0.93 nmi

Upcoming events


05.04.2021 7m - 11m 400 HRK/dan
05.04.2021 11m - 18m 600 HRK/dan
05.04.2021 18m - 25m 1000 HRK/dan


Lepo urejen ambient, z plavajočim pomolom. Za privez se je potrebno najaviti, oz. nas so pustili za kaksno uro da smo se privezali brez najave, cene so ambientu primerne. :-)
Mon | 01 Aug | 2016
Julija 2014 je bila samo ena boja (na zahodnem robu zaliva), tako da je potrebno sidrat. Na pomolu v jugovzhodnem delu zaliva je kar nekaj muringov, predvidevam, da za goste restavracije, je pa precej zasedeno.
Sat | 26 Jul | 2014