


Objavil(a) eNavtika


GPS 43° 55' N , 15° 21' E
Nr. of moorings 0 + 30 boj
Water depth 2.0 - 15.0 m
Phone + 385 91 548 30 40
Opening hours 15.4. - 31.12.
Gas station 9 nm Biograd


The Soline anchorage is on the southwestern side of the island of Pašman. The bay is protected in the northern part from all winds except the south, and in the southern part from all winds except the north. In the case of a strong mistral, waves of up to half a meter rise in the southern part, and in the case of a southerly one, in the northern part. There are two taverns in the bay. One is in the southern part, the other in the northern part. Garbage collection is also provided. If you decide to visit one of the inns, I suggest that you reserve a table in advance, because in the evenings they are usually fully booked.

A concession has been granted for the bay. It is necessary to pay for the mooring on the float. Anchoring from the anchorage to the shore and 150 m to the open sea is prohibited.

Wind protection/Weather


  • knots


  • knots


  • knots



  • Sveti Ante Anchorage 0.51 nmi
  • Kobiljak Anchorage 1.17 nmi
  • Žinčena Anchorage 1.28 nmi

Upcoming events


20.06.2022 25,00 HRK/m/dan
25.07.2017 14 HRK/m/dan
28.06.2014 14 HRK /m/dan


Maks Karpo
Včasih sta bili v zalivu dve konobi, sedaj je samo ena. v konobi Kiss se dobi odlična orada na gradeli (iz ribogojnice) za pametno ceno.
Tue | 24 Jan | 2023
Dne 24. 7. 2021 smo v pričakovanju močnejšega juga poklicali na številko +385 91 548 30 40, ki je navedena v Vodniku. Prijazna gospa je po telefonu povedala, da ima gostilno in se z bojami ne ukvarja že skoraj 20 let. Vodnik je potrebno posodobiti s tel. številko osebe, ki dejansko upravlja z bojami. Ob prihodu na sidrišče ob ca. 15.00 smo ujeli zadnjo prosto bojo na severnem delu, v južnem delu sidrišča so bile vse boje zasedene. Ocenjujem, da je bilo v južnem delu ca. 30 boj in v severnem delu ca. 10 boj. V sredinskem delu zaliva je prostor za sidranje.
Mon | 02 Aug | 2021
Janez Ves
Prijetno sidisce, cena 144 kun za 33 čevljev.
Fri | 09 Jul | 2021
Prenočil iz 11.5.2019 na 12.5.2019 vezan na bojo v južnem delu sidrišča. Priveznino niso pobirali. Prijazno osebje v gostilni.
Sun | 19 May | 2019
Lepo sidrišče zaščite pred vsemi vetrovi, sidro dobro drži. Letos cena priveza 13KN na meter.
Tue | 28 Aug | 2012