
Dugi otok


Objavil(a) eNavtika
, 04.04.2020


GPS 43° 56' N , 15° 9' E
Nr. of moorings 80
Water depth 1.0 - 5.0 m
Phone + 385 91 783 1421
Opening hours 01.01. - 31.12.
Gas station 1 nmi Zaglav
Place Sali, Dugi otok


The port of Sali on the eastern side of Dugi otok is an extremely popular entry point to the Kornati National Park. In 2023, the southeastern breakwater was built, which, together with the western breakwater, protects the port from all winds. There are 80 moorings in the port, which are equipped with water and electricity. There are several bars, restaurants, shops, a butcher shop and an ATM in the immediate vicinity. It is very visited during the summer, so you have to find a mooring in time. Usually, all berths are occupied before 5:00 p.m. In the eastern part, right next to the coast, there is a well-known bar that plays loud music at night. If you would like to spend the night in the center of the action, moor on the eastern side of the harbor, if you would like to spend the night in peace, moor in the western part of the harbor.

You have to be careful when entering the port, because the old lighthouse that stood on Cape Blud has been moved to the head of the eastern breakwater and has other characteristics.

Wind protection/Weather


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  • Sašćica Port 0.33 nmi
  • Draginjevica Anchorage 1.19 nmi
  • Zaglav Port 1.24 nmi


08.08.2023 2,7 EUR /m


1.8 2024 45 eur z vodo,elektriko in tusi Luka se po 14h hitro napolni. Mornarji kar malo zivcni ko imajo gužbo. Mesto z veliko ponudbo restavracij in 2 tgovini. Ni pa nobene plaze kjer bi se lahko ohladil medem ko si vezan v luki.
Thu | 01 Aug | 2024
Danes (29.7.2023) v luki 15 bark. Vse prazno.
Sat | 29 Jul | 2023
14.5.2023 smo vezali v Saliju še enkrat. Rahlo so sitni, če se želiš samo ustaviti za kakšno uro, na koncu so le dovolili za pol ure. V času gradnje valobrana (naj bi ga končali še letos) je dovoljeno vplutje bark do dolžine 11m, neuradno pa lahko tudi nekoliko večje (nas z 12,70 m so tolerirali, a opozorili). Visoke kazni, če se ne držiš označene plovne poti.
Tue | 23 May | 2023
V začetku maja 2023 smo vpluli z 11 jadrnico, previdno, treba je vpluti med rdečo (levo) in zeleno (desno) oznako, ki sta skrajno levo (port), nato pa med rumenimi plovci in pomolom, tik ob pomolu. Noč na muringu menda 50 eur, urejen wc.
Tue | 09 May | 2023
A morda kdo ve ali je Luka Sali v letu 2023 dostopna z jadrnico (do 15m), kljub delom, ki potekajo v Luki?
Mon | 08 May | 2023