

Objavil(a) eNavtika


GPS 44° 41' N , 14° 23' E
Place Osor, o. Cres
Distance 2 NM - Nerezine; 16 NM - Cres
Water depth 3m
Opening hours 9.00 - 9.15; 17.00 - 17.15


Osor passage is between island Cres and Lošinj. It is 120 m long and 12 wide. Water depth is 4 m. The bridge is opened every day at 9.00 and at 17.00 o'clock. If there is no ship passing then it will not be opened. Through the passage there can be a strong current up to 6 knots. In normal weather iz is around 2 knots, but in strong bura (NE wind) or jugo (south) wind can be stronger. Ships from the south side have the right of way. When they all pass, the ships from north side can pass the channel.



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Danes smo šli z jadrnico skozi preliv Osor ob 17.uri v smeri proti jugu. Na severni strani je pihala kar močna burja 12-20kt, dol smo šli le dve jadrnici, gor pa vsaj 5 in 5 motornjakov. Preliv je kar enostavno prevoziti tudi pri takšni burji, sicer sem ga že nekajkrat prevozil z raznimi plovili. Tok teče navzgor, smer S. Ko vsi prevozijo preliv v smeri navzgor, gazda mosta zapiska na piščalko in pomaha. Potem se vozi se navzdol. Srečno!
Wed | 24 Jul | 2024