


Objavil(a) eNavtika


GPS 43° 45' N , 15° 21' E
Nr. of moorings 20
Water depth 2.0 - 5.0 m
Opening hours 1.1. - 31.12.
Gas station 17 nmi Zaglav


Bay Lausa is a well protected bay in centre of the island Lausa. It is just 1 nmi south from the marina Piskera. There are 20 mooring buoys. It is also allowed to anchor with your own anchor. Water depths are between 2 and 5 m. In south part of the bay is very shallow. Water depths are below 1 m. Docking is possible sideways on small stone docks. Water depths are around 1 m. Docking is suitable only for boats with draught les than 1 m. In strong jugo (SE wind) water depth in the bay  can be up to 0,5 m shallower.

Bay is in the national park Kornati. Entry ticket must be purchased. Online purchase is cheaper. It has to be done one day in advance.

Wind protection/Weather


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  • Studenjak Anchorage 0.38 nmi
  • Piškera Marina 0.95 nmi
  • Piškera Port 1.1 nmi

Upcoming events


25.07.2016 0-11m - 300 HRK HRK/dan
25.07.2016 11-18m - 500 HRK HRK/dan
25.07.2016 18-25m - 900 HRK HRK/dan


Tomaž M.
Lavsa je lepa uvala, a poleti res nabita colnov, da je skoraj tezko najt primerno sidrisce. A vsekakor obisk se nedvomno splaca.
Wed | 13 Mar | 2013
20. junija smo se vezali na bojo v zalivu Lavsa. V minuti je bil pri nas lastnik gostilne in zelo neprijazno rekel: Ako ste ovdje treba da jedete kod mene, boju su od restorana. Ok, kar samo po sebi ni nic slabega, ampak pribremzal je brez da bi pozdravil, osoren izraz na obrazu in popolnoma nevljuden. Saj ponavadi vedno kaj popijemo in pojemo, ampak tokrat pa je bilo le malo prevec. Se isto minuto smo odsli naprej. Toliko o Lavsi.
Thu | 28 Jun | 2012