


Objavil(a) eNavtika


GPS 42° 56' N , 17° 9' E
Water depth 1 - 5 m
Opening hours 1.1. - 31.12.
Gas station 0,8 nmi KOrčula
Phone 00 385 20 715 241; 00 385 20 715 279


The Badija anchorage is in the northwestern part of the Ježevica channel on the eastern side of the island of Korčula. From the north, it is protected from the winds by the island of Badija, on which there is a Franciscan monastery from the 14th century. It is protected from the southeast by the island of Planjak and from the west by the island of Korčula. The anchorage is protected from western and northern winds. The waves at the anchorage are caused by the constant marine traffic through the channel. The bottom in the anchorage is sandy. The depths are between 2 and 10 m. The anchor holds well. The bay is part of the harbor area of the port of Korčula, so overnight stays in the bay have to be paid.

There is a small pier in front of the monastery, where there is room for the mooring of two vessels. Docking is allowed only for vessels comming to visit the monastery.

Wind protection/Weather


  • knots


  • knots


  • knots



  • Luka Korčula Anchorage 0.98 nmi
  • Port 1.04 nmi
  • Korčula-Luka Port 1.43 nmi


21.06.2022 0-20m 15,00 HRK/dan
29.06.2017 13,5 HRK/m/dan


Pred samostanom je res mali pomol za privez dveh plovil. Vendar pa novi lastniki samostana Frančiškani od tam naženejo vsakega navtika. Možno pa se je privezati na oba pomola 200m desno od samostana.
Thu | 29 Oct | 2020
Barbara T.
Tam je bilo včasih (30let nazaj) športno središče .. med drugim pa še nikakršnih avtomobilov ter obilico domačih ribičev. Prav zanima me, kako je danes?
Tue | 12 Mar | 2013