Jadrnica Ketch CT35, zelo ugodno prodam

Popularno Prodam

Cena: 69.500,00 EUR


Ta Chiao CT 35, Custom for sale, completely refitted in 2017, like new. I hope she finds a good new owner or nice family. Superb cruiser. Safe in heavy weather, a lot of space for sunbathing, big swimming plattform with teak and swimming ladder, high quality upholstery, new sails, new gennaker, new lazybags and new bimini/shade and cockpit enclosures. New wire circuits, equipped with best electronics, all necessary for navigation including plotter, wind, autopilot, VHF etc. Energy efficient with 2x100W solar panels and wind generator with remote stop-function, Engine Yanmar as new (1620 w.h. since year 2012), new V-shaped semirigid dinghy 2,8 m, new outboard engine Tohatsu 6HP with extra long shaft. The boat was varnished in 2017 out and inside, above and under the waterline. Hot water, heating, nice double entrance 100L fridge, 5+1 berths (1 double), 150 Lit new stainless steel fuel tank and 500 Lit fresh water tanks, many gadgets, galley up with aeration and nice view, new 1500W Lofrans windlass, 100 m stainless steel 8mm chain, 2 Delta anchors, telescopic whisker pole, mast steps on both masts, all LED lights, 40Lit water heater, tempered glass on all 16 windows. Cabin and hull in GRP - unique sample, never damaged, absolute healthy hull with no osmosis. Cruise speed 6 kn, max speed 7,5 kn. A true pearl. Many pictures and videos on demand at ingvermeister@gmail.com. Price negotiable. Call 00386 31 342 567, directly by owner (me).

Več podrobnosti

Dolžina 10 m
Širina 3.4 m
Leto izdelave 1978
Št. kabin 2
Št. ležišč 6
Rezervoar goriva 150 l
Rezervoar vode 510 l
  • VHF
Hladilnik 1
Št. motorjev 1
Znamka motorja - tip Yanmar 4JH4AE
Moč motorja 3972 kW
Gorivo Diesel
Št. ur motorja 1620 h
  • FM/AM
  • USB
  • TV
Zunanja oprema
  • Bimini
  • Spray Hood
  • Mornarska brv
  • Solarni paneli
  • Tikovina
  • Pomožno plovilo
Glavno jadro Klasicno
Genoa Navijalna
Spinnaker/Genaker Da

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ID oglasa : 168
8073 Ogledov

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Igor Gombač (1)
03xxx xxxxx pokaži
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Jadrnica Ketch CT35, zelo ugodno prodam

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