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Navtični abomna 2025 – 7 online predavanj, ki jih pred začetkom sezone ne smete zamuditi

Izkoristite priložnost in pred začetkom sezone nadgradite svoje navtično znanje. V sklopu 7 predavanj boste spoznali ključne teme, ki vam bodo pomagale pri varni in samozavestni plovbi v prihajajoči navtični sezoni.

Zelo uspešnega online navtičnega abonmaja se je v letu 2023 udeležilo več kot 120 znanja željnih skipperjev.

Letos smo moči ponovno združili Karpo Sailing, in eNavtika, da vam ponudimo še boljše online izobraževanje za skipperje in jadralske navdušence. Glavni predavatelj je Maks Vrečko, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore.

Investirajte v svoje navtično znanje – za še bolj brezskrbno in užitka polno plovbo na Jadranskem morju.


7 predavanj z uporabnimi praktičnimi nasveti za skipperje in jadralce, ki želijo izboljšati svojo samozavest in znanje na morju.

  1. Kako uživati na jadranju - nasveti za sproščen dopust na morju
  • Izbira prave jadrnice glede na število oseb in udobje.
  • Postopek prevzema in vračanja plovila brez stresa.
  • Primerjava različnih izhodišč in destinacij na Jadranu.
  • Pregled najuporabnejših navtičnih aplikacij (za vreme, navigacijo, marine).
  • Prilagajanje plovbe vremenskim razmeram – osnove meteorologije.
  • Kako pravilno reagirati ob nevihti ali močnem vetru.
  1. Skipperiranje brez zapletov - ključni manevri za samozavestno plovbo
  • Priprava in izvedba vplutja in izplutja.
  • Sidranje na različnih terenih – od peščene morske gladine do skal.
  • Učinkovito vezanje na bojo in varnostni ukrepi.
  • Manevri vplutja v tuj pristan in komunikacija z lokalnimi upravljalci priveza.
  • Prednosti in slabosti nočitve na sidru, boji ali v marini.
  • Pravilna tehnika privezovanja s krmo na obalo.
  • Kako dve jadrnici zvezati skupaj.
  1. Skipper - ključ do povezane ekipe in uspešnega jadranja
  • Organizacija posadke in dodeljevanje nalog.
  • Pomen vloge namestnika skipperja.
  • Aktivno vključevanje posadke v plovbo in skrb za motivacijo.
  • Bonton na morju – odnosi na naši jadrnici in z drugimi plovili.
  • Obvladovanje nepredvidljivih situacij in konfliktov.
  • Praktični nasveti za ravnanje s pomanjkanjem vode in elektrike.
  1. Zgodbe z naukom - kaj nas učijo najbolj boleče napake na morju
  • Analiza resničnih primerov nesreč in napak z Jadrana.
  • Ključne lekcije za preprečevanje ponavljanja napak.
  • Reševanje kritičnih situacij: okvara motorja, poškodbe krmila, zapleti z vrvmi in sidrom.
  • Osnovna uporaba varnostne opreme.
  • Najpogostejše napake pri načrtovanju in izvedbi plovbe.
  • Ali je v močnem vetru za neizkušene bolj smiselno motoriranje ali jadranje.
  1. Nastavitve jader glede na smer in moč vetra
  • Razlaga osnovnih smeri jadranja in nastavitev jader za počitniško plovbo.
  • Štiri osnovni in dva napredna manevra z jadri za varno in enostavno plovbo.
  • Tehnike za povečanje hitrosti in stabilnosti jadrnice.
  • Pravilna uporaba vanga, drsnikov in drugih pripomočkov za nastavitev jader.
  • Kako prepoznati optimalno nastavitev jadra glede na razmere.
  • Problematika nenadnega preleta buma.
  • Kaj storiti, če nas nenadno preseneti močnejši veter.
  • Ali najprej krajšamo glavno jadro ali genovo.
  1. Genaker - za več hitrosti in zabave na dopustu ali regati
  • Učenje uporabe genakerja brez inštruktorja.
  • Priprava na dvig genakerja in pravilna izvedba manevra.
  • Tehnike za učinkovito upravljanje in trimanje genakerja.
  • Izvajanje notranjega in zunanjega obrata z vetrom (gybe).
  • Varne in hitre metode spusta genakerja.
  • Dodelitev ključnih vlog v posadki za manevre z genakerjem.
  • Nasveti za reševanje zapletov.
  1. Najpogostejša vprašanja skipperjev
  • Vzpostavljanje dobrega odnosa med skipperjem in čarteristom.
  • Kako oceniti svojo pripravljenost za najem jadrnice (samozavest in znanje).
  • Preprečevanje kritičnih situacij in kako se nanje pripraviti.
  • Kako se v petek popoldne izogniti večurnemu čakanju na bencinskih črpalkah.
  • Vprašanja udeležencev navtičnega abonmaja.


  • Karpo
  • eNavtika
  • JK Loka Timing

Termin: Online MS Teams predavanja februar in marec 2025

Predavanja bodo posneta in si jih v primeru odsotnosti lahko ogledate naknadno.

Predavatelj | Maks Vrečko 

Maks Vrečko goji strast do jadranja in jadrnic že od leta 1994, ko je opravil izpit za voditelja čolna. Leta 2010 se je samostojno podal na svojo prvo plovbo s čartersko jadrnico, kar ga je, po nekaj letih stresa in nezgod, pripeljalo do spoznanja, da potrebuje več znanja. 

Med letoma 2016 in 2018 je uspešno opravil zahteven izpit RYA Yachtmaster Offshore, s čimer je postavil temelje za zahtevnejše jadralne podvige. Svoje oceanske izkušnje je nadgradil z jadranjem preko Biskajskega zaliva in Avstralskega južnega morja. 

Maks je lastnik jadrnice Elan 450 Karpo, s katero skupaj s svojo ekipo tekmuje na regatah. Najbolj odmeven uspeh je dosegel na prestižni regati Rolex Middle Sea Race, eni najtežjih offshore regat na svetu, kjer je ekipa osvojila 1. mesto v skupini IRC5

Od leta 2019 Maks izvaja praktične tečaje za skipperje, ki navdušujejo tako začetnike kot tudi izkušene jadralce. Njegov pristop, osredotočen na intenzivnost in uporabne nasvete, zagotavlja udeležencem samozavest in veščine za varno ter uspešno plovbo.

Sopredavatelj | Tomaž Gregorič

Tomaž Gregorič se profesionalno ukvarja z navtičnim izobraževanjem že od leta 2001, ko je skupaj z Gregorjem Jeretičem ustanovil podjetje Spinaker d.o.o. Spinaker je od takrat izobrazil že več kot 36.000 ljudi, ki plujejo po Jadranu in drugih morjih. Spinaker pa je tudi avtor in založnik navtične literature v slovenščini in tujih jezikih, ki šteje že več kot 108.000 izvodov. Tomaž ni samo strasten jadralec, ampak tudi strasten pedagog, ki želi navtično znanje, tako teoretično kot praktično, prenesti na čim več bodočih navtikov in tistih, ki želijo svoje navtično znanje poglobiti.

Svoja teoretična znanja Tomaž neprestano širi s sodelovanjem z mnogimi evropskimi univerzami in akademijami na razvojnih projektih, svoja praktična znanja pa širi predvsem s pogostim poučevanjem na raznovrstnih tečajih jadranja in samostojno plovbo na Spinakerjevi jadrnici Dufour 350 GL.

Pomočnik predavatelja | Matic Vrečko

Matic je svojo prvo samostojno plovbo s čartersko jadrnico in skupino prijateljev izvedel pri 18 letih, pri 24 pa že samostojno preplul Atlantik. Njegovo vrhunsko znanje jadranja mu v regatnih ekipah pogosto prinese najzahtevnejšo vlogo taktika, kjer s svojimi odločitvami pomembno vpliva na rezultate.

Kot dipl. ing. strojništva je na družinski jadrnici Karpo izvedel vrsto tehničnih izboljšav, ki so prispevale k njeni boljši in bolj učinkoviti plovbi.

Matic svojo strast do jadranja uspešno prenaša na vrstnike. Poleg tega organizira flotna jadranja za mlade in poskrbi za zabavne aktivnosti, ki jadranje naredijo še bolj privlačno in nepozabno.

Navtični abonma 2025 – 7 online predavanj

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Elan flagship GT6

Elan flagship GT6 is a next-generation Grand Tourer that delivers the perfect balance of speed and power, comfort and luxury, good handling and precise control.


Stiff, stable and weatherly, the high-performance hull and sailplan by Humphreys Yacht Design are optimised for short-handed, medium-range cruising. Three generations of Humphreys/Elan design evolution and extensive CFD modelling produce a refined yacht that handles like a thoroughbred and delivers exhilarating performance on all points of sail, across the full range of wind and sea conditions.

Unique styling by Studio F. A. Porsche gives the GT6 a strikingly elegant silhouette with sharp, distinctive lines and elaborately curved surfaces that create beautiful flares of light as the yacht moves through the water. In the cockpit, excellent ergonomics and a host of innovative design features bring a new level of luxury to life on board.


Studio F. A. Porsche’s iconic design values and world-class ergonomics create a uniquely stylish, luxurious and practical living space inside the GT6. The sleek panoramic deck saloon gives a wonderful 180° view and a cleverly inverted layout makes the best possible use of the spacious, broad-beamed hull.

The galley is forward, right on top of the keel where the yacht’s motion at sea is most comfortable with minimal heeling, pitching and rolling. This frees up space further aft for a huge full-beam saloon. A lavish owner’s suite with a king-size island double bed makes best use of the forepeak and big through-hull windows in every cabin give a great view out.

A wide range of layout options and configurations are available to tailor the rest of the accommodation, systems and stowage on board to best suit you, your crew and your style of sailing. And throughout the boat, exquisite details, premium materials and a beautifully handcrafted finish enhance the joy of being on board.

GT6 360 experience

Elan flagship GT6

Want to readmore?

Interested indetails?

See the GT6development timeline

Friday 20 Mar 2020

Following the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Europe and the travel restrictions currently in place, the 44Cup Organising Authority has decided to cancel the 44Cup Portoroz, which would have taken place from the 22 - 26 April 2020.

The safety and well-being of the sailors and the 44Cup’s personnel is the main priority of the Class. The 44Cup Organising Authority will continue to work with its local event organisers, teams and stakeholders to monitor the situation as it develops.

Monday 16 Mar 2020

Clipper Round the World Race

The fleet departed for the Leg 6 of the Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race today from Subic Bay, Philippines. Race 9, the first of two races to make up the sixth stage, will see the fleet of eleven stripped out 70-foot yachts race offshore in the South China Sea. The second race will be the ‘big one’, the North Pacific Ocean crossing to Seattle.

Race 9, named the WTC Logistics Tri-Race is short by Clipper Race standards, but still longer than most renowned offshore races. The hot tropical race, will take the Clipper Race fleet on a fast, triangular sprint of approximately 750nm in total. The race is made up of three individual Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint sections between virtual gates.

Race Director, Mark Light said:

“It's going to be a short snappy race. Traditionally you’d get the northeast monsoon wind conditions but these can be interspersed with very light patches and sometimes very little wind. This means the race is going to be really tactical; when there is breeze, it is going to be fast and energetic, and a lot of high intensity racing.”

Managed by designated lead skipper Rich Gould, of WTC Logistics, the Le Mans Race Start will take place at approx at 1900 LT (1100 UTC).

Many new faces have joined the teams in Subic Bay and Race 9 is the perfect opportunity to integrate the crew ahead of what is dubbed ‘the big one’. Before the start later today, all teams will be completing the mandatory refresher training required at the start of each new leg.

Ahead of Race Start Seattle skipper David Hartshorn said:

“We’ve had a quite a big changeover of crew this time, some crew who are rejoining, having been on board for earlier legs, and a few new joiners. There is a little apprehension but there is a good team feeling on board and everyone has settled in nicely.

There is a lot of energy bouncing around, which is good, we’re going to really focus on getting the watches working smoothly because the next big challenge will be the North Pacific Ocean to our home port of Seattle.

“We’re looking at this upcoming race as a really positive, live training session, with the opportunity to get more points!”

Race 9 is expected to take between four and five days to complete with the fleet anticipated to return back into Subic Bay Yacht Club between 14-15 March.

So far, the Clipper Race fleet has raced over 22,000nm since the 2019-20 edition started from London in September 2019 with stopovers in Portimao, Portugal; Punta del Este Uruguay; Cape Town, South Africa; Fremantla and the Whitsundays, Australia; to the Philippines. The route for Legs 5 and 6 of the 2019-20 edition has been amended due to the outbreak of COVID-19, resulting in the planned stopovers in Sanya, Zhuhai and Qingdao, China being cancelled.

Following the fleet’s return to Subic Bay at the end of Race 9 Seattle is the next destination on the global route.

Clipper Round the World Race

Tuesday 10 Mar 2020

Solaris Power is constantly redefining the concept of traditional American lobster boats and is now introducing the 48 Open. The new Solaris Power 48 Open offers a number of features that are unique in the category. Sophisticated ...
Thursday 27 Feb 2020

Volvo Penta recieves innovation award for its DPI drive

Volvo Penta has been recognized at the German boat show - boot Dusseldorf. Presented at the prestigious Flagship Night within the category of European Powerboat of the Year 2020, the award recognizes the industry-leading features of Volvo Penta’s all-new aquamatic sterndrive. Introduced during 2019 as part of the company’s next generation D4/D6 propulsion system, the DPI drive further enhances Volvo Penta’s trademark easy boating experience.

Technology behind the DPI

The DPI drive has been designed to deliver enhanced performance, easier maintenance and greater reliability for boat owners. The new hydraulic clutch ensures a silent and smooth shifting, as well as slipping at low engine speeds, resulting in added maneuverability and higher comfort at slower boat speeds. The hydraulic clutch, together with electric steering – which is now standard for DPI – gives an improved joystick docking function. The DPI driveline now also comes with Dynamic Positioning System, which automatically maintains a boat’s heading and position, even during strong currents or windy conditions – ideal when preparing for docking.

“Once again, Volvo Penta has set new benchmarks in drive technology. The hydraulic clutch of the DPI drive enables silent, low-wear shifting. In addition, the electric steering unit provides greater convenience and safety in practice,” explains BOOTE’s editor-in-chief Torsten Moench, summarizing the jury’s motivation for the award.

Having an efficient driveline is an essential part of delivering outstanding boat performance, and necessary to provide an integrated ‘easy boating’ experience. Continuous innovation in driveline technology is a factor that Volvo Penta has taken to heart across its innovations over the years – with the new DPI driveline as the latest example.

“This recognition reinforces our longstanding commitment to innovation in the boating industry,” says Johan Inden, President of Volvo Penta Region Europe. “We are in a technology revolution, and our innovation focus is to use the new technologies to further enhance the easy boating experience. At the same time, delivering power into the water in an efficient way continues to be a basic need for boating. Our new, future focused DPI delivers a winning combination of innovation and efficiency to enhance the experience for both present and future boaters.”

Thursday 27 Feb 2020

The two architects behind this free-flowing, wonderfully nimble 54-footer are Roberto Biscontini and Lorzenzo Argento, whose creation paves the way for a new generation of high-end cruisers that optimize cockpi...
Thursday 27 Feb 2020

This highly innovative long distance cruising yacht is notable for being the first superyacht to be fitted with a transverse Dynamic Stability System foil, designed to reduce heel angle, increase speed and dampen pitching to improve comfort.

She is also fitted with a sophisticated diesel electric propulsion and hydro-generating system reducing the use of fossil fuel and enabling the yacht to be used for long periods in ‘silent’ mode.

Vibration and noise levels are further reduced by using an electric propulsion motor powered by lithium ion batteries charged by a combination of traditional generators and propeller driven hydro-generation.

Canova is designed to sail quickly, comfortably and efficiently and in addition her owner wants to be able to maintain and service the yacht without the need for specialist shipyard help in remote parts of the world.

The combination of her large deck saloon, which forms the focal point of her accommodation, and her large, well-appointed cockpit which is protected by a long solid bimini, provides a superb living space while sailing.

An impressive package of new technology will make her a genuinely remarkable project, underlining the company’s position as the world’s leading builder of super-sailing yachts.


Early results using DSS in medium and stronger winds have exceeded expectations. On a beam reach in 14 knots of true wind, measurements show heeling reduced by some 34 per cent. Upwind in 24 knots of wind heeling is reduced by an impressive 28 per cent and pitching by more than 40 per cent.

In order to achieve the same reduction in pitching an additional 33,000kg would be required in the keel bulb.
A reduction in leeway also results in increased velocity made good (VMG). Further findings will be made available as more research is carried out.

Read more: Baltic Yachts


Friday 07 Feb 2020

Full details of Elan Yachts’ next-generation flagship model, the Elan GT6, have been revealed at the world’s biggest boat show, Boot Düsseldorf. The prototype GT6 is still in build at Elan’s shipyard in Slovenia, but high-resolution renders ...
Friday 31 Jan 2020

Marina Punat, sense4boat

As the safety of all boats in the marina is our common goal, all contract vessels are entitled to free sensors for detecting water intrusion, smoke or risky temperatures, as follows:
— bilge sensor
— smoke sensor (sailboats) or high temperature sensor (motorboats)


Read more about it HERE.

Book your appointment at the Yacht Service as soon as possible

Marina Punat, sense4boat

The winter months are passing fast and there is less and less time to prepare your boat for the upcoming season. If you tidied up your boat after sailing and did everything necessary for a carefree winter, then you should be ready for the season.

You have probably already announced and arranged all the necessary works. If not, it is time to do so, because our service zone will be crowded soon and it will not always be possible to get a mechanic, electrician, carpenter, spare parts, lift appointments…

Read more about it HERE.

Tel. +385 51 654 120, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New - power connection service for battery charging

During the winter months when the boats are stationary, we offer a new service to owners of contracted vessels with an annual berth in the sea. Connection of the boat to electrical power for battery charging under the marina’s supervision. If the boat is equipped with SENSE4BOAT smart sensors which monitor battery voltage, the Marina Punat staff will connect the vessel to the power grid when the alert from the sensor is received.

Immediately after the charging begins, the owner will be notified by email that the charging has started, and upon completion of the charging and battery voltage stabilization, the owner will be informed that the charging is complete.

For technically sound boats, the owner can order battery charging at a preferential price provided that a few more conditions are met (the boat must be equipped with a SENSE4BOAT engine temperature control sensor or an automatic fire extinguishing system in the engine room, or with the SENSE4BOAT smoke sensor in the saloon).  

Read more about the conditions and the order form at

Free mobile app

Marina Punat, sense4boat

We have already written about the PROACTIVE BOAT CARE innovation which was conceptually designed at Marina Punat. For the last 5 years, contracted boat owners are given insight into the surveillance and activities that the Marina Punat staff carry out daily on their boat. Through weekly reports, owners receive an email with an overview of the performed activities and the latest photo of the boat.

In order to make this service even more accessible, boat owners with an annual berth at the marina can now monitor the staff activities on their boats in real time VIA THE FREE MOBILE APP.

The app sends a notification to your phone for each recorded staff activity.

The SENSE4BOAT mobile app is available for download on the Google Play or App Store

Marina Club Card – new benefits

Marina Punat, sense4boat

Marina Club Card users have a 10% discount this year on services at the Marina Restaurant and 9 Bofora bistro. The discount applies to all types of payment.

In addition, by the end of February they get a 30% discount on the price of travel lifts, and a 50% discount for daily and monthly accommodation on land due to works on the boat.

Accommodation at Hotel Kanajt is also 10% reduced if you have the Marina Club Card.

All benefits are available HERE.

Thursday 23 Jan 2020

SAVE THE DATE: 10. 4. – 13. 4. 2020 and
join us on the traditional Easter Season Opening Sailing Party 2020.
We will start the sailing season in 2020 with S.O.S. - active and fun sailing weekend. Like in previous years, it will include a lot of sailing, internal regattas with navigation challenges, and will be accompanied also with many fun and entertaining activities.
We welcome all sailing lovers - with partners, friends or families, regarding your sailing experience.

Start in Marina Kastela Split, CROATIA
295 € / person.
275 € / person for everybody that was already present on at least one Just Perfect Y.C. sailing event.
Registrations and payments until 01. April 2020!

The price includes:
- sailing boat,
- transit log (200€ / boat)
- turist tax
- skipper,
- 1 x Just Perfect dinner
- evening socializing events and parties,
- official 8th S.O.S. CREW T-Shirt
- event organization and coordination

The price does not include:
- fuel (around 10 € / person)
- moorings (around 10 – 20 € / person)
- food and drinks expect two dinners
- transfers and parking

Program outline:
… arrival and overnight stay on the boats is possible already on Thursday 09.4. evening
- Friday, 10.4.: check in, skippers meeting ,sailing to Hvar - Sveta Nedelja, dinner in konoba
- Saturday 11.4.: skippers meeting, sailing to Korcula - Vela Luka, dinner on boats, anchor party
- Sunday, 12.4.: skippers meeting, internal regatta with navigation challenges to Hvar town Hvar, Just Perfect Y.C. dinner in konoba, party
- Monday, 13.4.: sailing back to initial marina, check out, group photo and going home

The final program is defined a few days before the event, taking into consideration the weather forecast.

Registration and more info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., + 386 51 604 395.

Sea U There!

Thursday 23 Jan 2020

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