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Litijeve (LiFePO4) baterije so posebej primerne za uporabo na plovilih, kot servisne baterije. Imajo izjemno kapaciteto, majhno težo in izjemno dolgo življenjsko dobo, ki je tudi do desetkrat daljša od klasičnih trakcijskih, gel ali AGM akumulatorjev. Zaradi napredne tehnologije in številnih komponent, ki ščitijo baterijo pred poškodbami, je garancija, ki jo nudijo proizvajalci, bistveno daljša od klasičnih svinčenih baterij. Kvalitetnejše litijeve baterije imajo tudi do 3-letno garancijo.

Nova tehnologija prizmatičnih celic poleg izjemne gostote električne energije zagotavlja tudi izjemno življenjsko dobo. BlueCell 200 Ah baterija omogoča kar 4000 praznjenj baterije več kot 80 %, kar je kar 1000 ciklov več od ostalih baterij. Seveda omogoča tudi praznjenje do 100 % nazivne kapacitete brez bojazni, da se bo baterija zaradi tega uničila, kot bi se to zgodilo pri svinčeni bateriji. Njihova življenjska doba je več kot 10 let oziroma več kot 6000 ciklov praznjenj preko 50 %. 

Za kaj so litijeve baterije prihodnost v navtiki

Litijeve baterije prinašajo največjo prednost kot porabniške oziroma servisne baterije. Njihove največje prednosti so:

  1. dvakrat večja uporabna kapaciteta
  2. za polovico manjša teža
  3. trikrat daljša garancijska doba
  4. do desetkrat daljša življenjska doba
  5. samodejni nadzor polnjenja in praznjenja baterije
  6. zaščita pred kratkim stikom
  7. možnost priklopa solarnih celic
  8. možnost vzporedne ali zaporedne vezave več baterij (večja napetost ali kapaciteta sistema)
  9. zelo nizko praznjenje v času mirovanja
  10. stabilna napetost baterije vse do 95 % izpraznjenosti
  11. ni vzdrževanja

Tehnični podatki BlueCell 200Ah 12V:

  • Nazivna napetost: 12,8 v
  • Nazivna kapaciteta: 200 Ah (pri 0,2C)
  • Uporabna kapaciteta: 200 Ah (pri 0,2C)
  • Uporabna energija: 2560 Wh
  • Samodejno praznjenje: <3,5% mesečno
  • Življenjska doba: > 4000 pri praznjenju preko 80%
  • Življenjska doba: > 6000 pri praznjenju preko 50%
  • Tok polnjenja: 200 A
  • Priporočljiv tok polnjenja: 25-100 A
  • Tok praznjenja: 200 A
  • Tok praznjenja (do 3 s): 300 A
  • Izklop nizka napetost: 10 V
  • Temperaturno območje praznjenja: od -10°C do +70°C
  • Temperaturno območje polnjenja: od -5°C do +60°C
  • Vodoodpornost: IP55
  • Teža: 17,5 kg
  • Dimenzije (DxŠxV): 328x172x216 mm
BlueCell 200Ah 12.8V Navtična litijeva baterija

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Via Crucis underwater museum is a private project owned by Blue Nautica company from Trogir and as such is the only "Stations of the Cross Under the Sea". The location of our underwater museum and private beach with aqua park is in the beautiful qu...
Wednesday 12 Jun 2019



This year we managed to provide vouchers for discount in different anchorages in Croatia.

You can use them in following anchorages:

  1. Jadriscica
  2. Paprenica
  3. Sveti Ante
  4. Juzni porat
  5. Mesarine
  6. Marina Losinj
  7. Restaurant Marina Losinj
  8. Anchorage Podkujni island Unije

How tu use the voucher

When you get to anchorage, tie your boat to an empty mooring buoy. When the stuff from anchorage gets to your boat, just show them the voucher on your mobile device. You can show the voucher in this article, or download vouchers. They are in jpg format like a photo. Your mobile phone will recognize it as a picture immediately as you download them.

Help your friends and other sailors

Send the link of the article to your friends and sailors. They will be able to download and use the vouchers themselves.




Sveti Ante

Južni porat

Krijal - Mesarine

Marina Mali Lošinj

Restaurant Marina in marina Mali Lošinj

Anchorage Podkujni, island Unije

Monday 10 Jun 2019


This morning Hugues Lepic’s Aleph Racing scored their third bullet out of four races, increasing their five point lead at the day’s start to a massive 10. Ultimately a fourth place in today’s second and final race handed the French team victory at the Adris 44Cup Rovinj. This was a considerable step up from their third to last place at the first 44Cup event of the season in Montenegro in April. But more spectacular was it being the first time since joining the class nine years ago that Aleph Racing has ever won an event on the high performance one design circuit. 

“It is an amazing feeling,” said Lepic, dripping after taking his victor’s plunge in the water of the ACI Marina Rovinj. “I like the class very much - the boat, the crews, the owners and the format, but I have never managed to get to this level. It is great to have this for the first time.”


The team, which has Italian maestro Michele Ivaldi calling tactics, was top scorer on Friday, won two races from three yesterday and one from two today. So how did this come about? “All of our starts were good - starting fast and with good space helped a lot,” explained Lepic. “Then it was a case of executing, not losing our cool, and making sure that everything we have learned over the years came together. We had a bit of luck as well…”

Ivaldi has said over the previous days that getting the boat set up well for light conditions and practicing starts also helped.

Today anticipating a difficult forecast, Principal Race Officer Peter Reggio sent the boats out an hour earlier and ultimately managed to lay on two races in a light northwesterly, albeit with a long intermission between the two and having to finish the second prematurely after the second upwind leg.

In the latter, another crew scored a prominent result when Tavatuy Sailing Team, the newest campaign, enjoying their first full 44Cup season this year, won their first ever race. This week Pavel Kuznetsov’s team, on which leading match racer Evgeny Neugodnikov calls tactics, has been first to the weather mark only to lose the lead subsequently. In today’s first race for example, the Russian crew got a blazing pin end start, gaining enough of an advantage banging the left to cross the fleet on port. They rounded first only to lose the lead on the run to Artemis Racing. But in race two this wasn’t case and as the wind began to fade and the course was shortened, they were still in front at the line.

“I can say that this hasn’t been our regatta,” admitted Kuznetsov as he returned to the marina in the shadow of the Grand Park Hotel Rovinj. “We had good starts and a few times we led at the top mark, but after that we did all kinds of things to lose our position. But we won the last race so we are happy.”

Looking at the nine years it has taken Aleph Racing to win an event, Kuznetsov observed: “I hope we will be a bit quicker.” As to the event here he added: “The organisation is very nice. We’ve loved our time here.”

Banging in podium positions in both today’s races was enough to earn Nico Poons’ Charisma second overall, a fine turnaround from their last place in Montenegro. “The team is fine - the boys are working hard. You need a good team but it is also people like JK that make a difference,” said Poons. JK is America’s Cup and Volvo Ocean Race winner John Kostecki, the team’s new addition.

“I’m very pleased! Personally going into it I was hoping for a top five. So we’ll take a second all the way!” said Kostecki. “We also have a great coach in Morgan Reeser. He really painted a picture out there of every race for us and was more or less correct every time. Today was about trying to keep it simple, being patient and not panicking.”

Charisma’s performance was enough to displace Torbjörn Törnqvist's Artemis Racing into third. With Sarah Gundersen standing in for Törnqvist here, the Swedish team has had a generally outstanding four days and at the end of day two was tied on points for the overall lead. However a deep result in today's first race, caused them to finish a point behind Charisma.

After their soaring performance yesterday, Peninsula Petroleum had an indifferent Sunday, while as Aleph Racing was on the ascent Team CEEREF, leader at the half way stage of the Adris 44Cup Rovinj, was heading the opposite way.

Chris Bake on Team Aqua did enough to keep Bronenosec Sailing Team astern of them, but was unable to keep up with Vladimir Prosikhin’s Team Nika which posted an improved 2-5 today.

“It doesn’t feel like the results show our efforts,” admitted Bake. “We were never in the right place at the right time. There were fingers of breeze everywhere that got the better of us. It just wasn’t our regatta at the end of the day.”

As to the event, Bake said: “Rovinj has been phenomenal and ACI and Adris have done a huge job in hosting us and making it very comfortable for us. It is very nice. It is probably as nice a venue as we’ve ever been to.”

Next event on the 44Cup is the RC44 World Championship in Marstrand, Sweden over 9-13 July.


team 44Cup Porto Montenegro Adris 44Cup Total
Team Ceeref (SLO 11) 1 5 6
Aleph Racing (FRA17) 7 1 8
Team Nika (RUS 10) 2 6 8
Peninsula Petroleum (GBR 1) 4 4 8
Team Aqua (GBR 2041) 3 7 10
Charisma (MON 69) 9 2 11
Artemis Racing (SWE44) 8 3 11
Tavatuy Sailing Team (RUS 21) 5 9 14
Bronenosec Sailing (RUS 18) 6 8 14
Wednesday 05 Jun 2019

If you plan to sail in east Adriatic coast in this summer, we prepared the prices for overnight stay – transit mooring in 64 marinas. Prices are for most common boat lengths from 8 up to 16 m. In last column there is an average price in marina and in last row there is a average price for the specific boat lengths in all 64 marinas.

Through our web site an online reservation is possible. Search or the desired marina on our web site, find the green button BOOK on the right side and make a reservation of your mooring.

Pricelist 2019

(all prices in EUR for one day/night - transit mooring)

  Country Marina < 9 m < 10 m < 11 m < 12 m < 13 m < 14 m < 15 m < 16 m AVG
1 CRO Brijuni ** 162 162 162 196 196 196 196 196 183,28
2 CRO Rovinj 150 150 150 150 163 177 190 218 168,33
3 CRO Split 98 103 116 126 139 143 150 164 129,88
4 CRO Palmižana 75 81 96 100 112 121 139 152 109,43
5 CRO Trogir 83 83 98 104 114 124 129 139 109,29
6 CRO Slano 48 70 89 98 112 125 133 150 103,11
7 CRO Dubrovnik 49 68 89 94 113 119 133 151 102,09
8 CRO Korčula 69 74 88 93 103 110 127 137 100,08
9 CRO Maslinica 69 75 82 90 98 105 115 128 95,25
10 CRO Tribunj 70 75 80 87 97 100 112 129 93,75
11 CRO Frapa - Rogoznica 72 76 81 89 98 101 108 123 93,50
12 CRO Piškera * 69 75 81 87 92 100 113 120 92,04
13 CRO Skradin 67 67 79 84 92 99 114 123 90,49
14 CRO Lav 69 73 76 85 91 100 109 119 90,39
15 CRO Borik 67 73 79 85 91 97 109 116 89,63
16 CRO Pomer 61 66 77 81 95 99 108 115 87,94
17 CRO Žut 66 71 77 83 88 95 107 114 87,67
18 CRO Cres 60 68 78 82 93 98 107 115 87,52
19 CRO Jezera 61 65 77 81 90 96 110 120 87,42
20 CRO Seget - Baotić 64 75 75 75 85 94 107 115 86,25
21 CRO Rab 59 66 77 81 91 96 106 114 86,23
22 CRO Vodice 60 64 75 79 89 94 108 117 85,69
23 CRO Pula 59 63 74 78 90 95 103 110 83,90
24 CRO Kaštela 77 77 77 77 77 84 92 101 82,75
25 CRO Olive Island 66 66 72 77 83 88 99 105 82,00
26 CRO Zadar 51 58 72 78 90 96 102 106 81,63
27 CRO Milna 54 61 68 73 83 88 101 110 79,83
28 CRO Veruda 43 57 70 80 83 88 100 106 78,38
29 SLO Portorož 60 60 69 69 82 82 96 96 76,75
30 CRO Kornati - Biograd 46 53 64 70 80 88 98 109 76,00
31 ITA San Rocco 51 51 64 64 86 86 86 119 75,88
32 CRO Admiral 55 59 65 71 78 82 89 102 75,32
33 CRO Agana 57 63 66 69 74 83 91 98 75,13
34 CRO Šimuni 53 56 66 69 80 85 92 98 74,97
35 CRO Hramina 49 51 66 68 78 82 96 101 73,88
36 CRO Umag 53 56 65 69 77 82 90 97 73,72
37 CRO Poreč 57 59 64 74 79 81 86 88 73,67
38 CRO Funtana 55 59 65 69 73 79 86 92 72,30
39 CRO Valalta 54 61 64 70 74 78 84 88 71,55
40 CRO Vrsar 52 58 63 67 72 79 87 94 71,50
41 CRO Vlaška 53 56 62 65 73 77 85 97 71,00
42 CRO Novigrad 62 62 64 66 70 75 81 87 70,88
43 CRO Preko 48 50 58 64 71 81 91 102 70,63
44 MNG Budva 46 59 62 64 72 77 87 98 70,63
45 CRO Parentium 54 58 63 69 72 77 83 88 70,50
46 CRO Mandalina 48 48 57 65 70 81 89 100 69,75
47 CRO Opatija 46 52 60 63 71 75 81 89 66,99
48 SLO Izola 45 49 59 63 73 77 82 87 66,88
49 CRO Vrboska 47 50 58 62 68 74 84 92 66,86
50 CRO Supetarska Draga 46 49 59 62 70 75 81 86 66,06
51 CRO Novi 44 49 55 59 65 71 78 86 63,38
52 SLO Bernardin 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 62,50
53 CRO Punat 43 43 54 60 66 70 77 88 62,50
54 MNG Bar 40 48 53 58 67 70 77 82 61,88
55 CRO Kremik 47 51 54 59 64 68 70 76 61,13
56 SLO Koper 42 45 53 57 64 69 73 77 60,00
57 CRO Muroskva - Mitan 40 45 50 55 60 65 75 85 59,38
58 CRO Veli Iž 45 49 53 58 61 64 70 75 59,38
59 CRO Mali Lošinj 43 46 50 57 59 62 65 75 57,13
60 CRO Veli Rat 41 43 50 54 56 60 64 70 54,75
61 CRO Betina 39 43 47 51 56 61 66 76 54,58
62 CRO Pirovac 39 41 47 53 56 60 67 73 54,50
63 CRO Črvar Porat 32 35 39 43 45 48 52 57 43,88
64 CRO Bunarina 30 32 34 39 42 46 51 55 41,22
    AGV 58 63 70 75 83 89 97 106 80,07

* Price for mooring in marina Piskera includes entry fee to Kornati National Park
** Price for mooring in marina Brijuni includes entry fee to brijuni National Park

Tuesday 04 Jun 2019

Marina Pirovac

If you are looking for a cheap mooring for your boat in east Adriatic sea, check the list of cheapest marinas 2019. Some marinas have lover prices for a transit mooring than some ports or anchorages with mooring buoys. In all marinas the price includes electricity, water and garbage collection and some other services as well.

  Country Marina < 9 m < 10 m < 11 m <12 m < 13 m < 14 m < 15 m < 16 m AVG 1
1 Croatia Pirovac 39 41 47 53 56 60 67 73 54,50
2 Croatia Betina 39 43 47 51 56 61 66 76 54,58
3 Croatia Veli Rat 41 43 50 54 56 60 64 70 54,75
4 Croatia Mali Lošinj 43 46 50 57 59 62 65 75 57,13
5 Croatia Veli Iž 45 49 53 58 61 64 70 75 59,38
6 Croatia Muroskva - Mitan 40 45 50 55 60 65 75 85 59,38
7 Slovenia Koper 42 45 53 57 64 69 73 77 60,00
8 Hrvaška Kremik 47 51 54 59 64 68 70 76 61,13
9 Montenegro Bar 40 48 53 58 67 70 77 82 61,88
10 Croatia Punat 43 43 54 60 66 70 77 88 62,50
    AVG 2 57 62 69 74 82 87 96 104 78,84
  • AVG 1: Average price for transit mooring in marina for boat lengths form 8 to 16 m
  • AVG 2: Average price for transit mooring for specific lengths in 65 marinas in east Adriatic sea
  • All prices in EUR

Marina Punat

Tuesday 28 May 2019

With the maiden call of ms OOCL United Kingdom at Cosco Shipping Ports Terminal Zeebrugge in the early morning of May 18, a new record was set in the port of Zeebrugge.

The 21,413 Teu vessel is the largest container carrier in the world, deployed in the Far East/Europe services of the Ocean Alliance.

The NEU1 service is the biggest service of Ocean Alliance with 5 vessels from Cosco Shipping Lines with a capacity of 18,980 TEU and 6 vessels from OOCL with a capacity of 21,413 TEU. 


Saturday 25 May 2019

TechnoHull RIBS

MennYacht Group is proud to announce the new exclusive dealership for TechnoHull RIBS.

TECHNOHULL® was founded in 2005 and began its success story first on the local Greek market, than rapidly expended to the general Mediteranean market with a reputation of developing, designing and producing luxurious high performance innovative Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIB’s). the success of the brand is the result of constant development, engineering solutions, highest quality of craftsmanship which TECHNOHULL® with its enthusiastic and detail oriented team proudly keeps in-house.

The mission: Since the company’s inception, TECHNOHULL®’s mission is based on four core values; extreme performance, perfect safety and seaworthiness, top efficiency and long distance traveling ability.

TechnoHull RIBS

Each element of a TECHNOHULL® RIB is produced and installed by highly expert in-house artisans, from the mould and hull layers to the teak decks. Every single unit is designed from scratch and is based on a different hull model to best fit the length and the different characteristics required by its owner. Highest quality materials are selected in every construction and finishing process. Top quality gelcoat colors, multi-directional fibers and high quality resins are standard in every boat. All TECHNOHULL® models are equipped with ORCA Penel Flippo 1670 tube fabrics.

Vacuum infusion technology, epoxy materials and of course hand-laid polyester are all combined when producing GRP elements. Completing the sophisticated hull design, top quality techniques and materials are applied throughout - the required process for building a masterpiece. True epoxy vacuum infusion lamination with special multi-directional fabrics and foam cored layers, cured in a carefully controlled oven, ensure the absolute best construction process for a super strong, very lightweight boat. Many parts are built of pure carbon fiber, further reducing overall weight. Throughout the production process ISO 9001:2008 standards are strictly followed.

TechnoHull RIBS

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Lampuga electrically powered jet boards

MennYacht Group takes under its arms the new exclusive dealership of the newest electrically powered jet boards – Lampuga.

Lampuga develops electric surfboards and stands with an emission-free jet drive for innovation and quality made in Germany. The company produces in Germany the inflatable models Lampuga Air and the rescue board Lampuga Rescue as well as the Lampuga Boost (top speed of up to 58km/h),. The patented Lampuga Powerbox forms the drive unit. It combines electric motor, cooling, electronics and powerful lithium-ion battery and ensures dynamic driving pleasure in all weathers.

MennYacht will present the Lampuga models at the Nautica boat show that will take place in Marina Portorž from 16th to 19th of May 2019.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Elan Impression 45.1

The development of the new cruising yacht, the Elan I45.1, is nearing completion, and construction of the first yacht is well under way. The Elan R&D team has worked tirelessly to redesign the Elan Impression Line’s most popular model for the new decade. Grab your friends or family, and spend the evening on the I45.1’s larger deck, or lounge inside the new redesigned interior!


Elan Impression 45.1

Merging comfort, practicality and durability, the new Elan I45.1 interior is truly a benchmark of style and utility. Building on decades of experience in yacht interior design and charter-specific use, the new Elan Impression 45.1 interior furniture will be constructed with iroko wood veneer and solid iroko wood parts. Proven to be much more resilient than alternatives, iroko wood, sometimes also called African teak, will be available in natural and whitened varieties.

With the singular mission to increase available living space and optimise comfort, the saloon of the new yacht has been thoroughly redesigned. The galley was shifted forward and to the side, while the hint of the practical L shape was retained to increase countertop space. Cupboard space has been increased, allowing for more amenities, and the saloon has been enlarged toward the back of the yacht, creating a large and comfortable social area. The new layout allows for an even larger navigation table for an enjoyable working environment. In addition, the new Elan I45.1 will also be equipped with the DAME design-awarded control panel, giving the user an easy and aesthetically pleasing overview and control of the yacht’s functions.

The new Elan I45.1 cruising yacht will come in two layout variations. The four-cabin version is optimised for investors and charter use, adding two more berths and increasing the yacht’s charter efficiency while making no compromises on comfort. With the saloon berth option, the four-cabin version can host up to five couples. The three-cabin version is intended for cruising yacht enthusiasts, blue-water sailors, and seekers of comfort and relaxation. While still great for chartering, the three-cabin I45.1 will best fit families and groups of friends who love to spend their time cruising and sailing. In all versions, the aft cabins have also been improved with the addition of a new window.


Elan Impression 45.1

The Elan I45.1 is built on the modern classic charter-proven and blue-water-proven platform, designed by the famous Rob Humphreys Yacht Design studio. The Elan R&D team built on that classic design, enlarging its deck space and modernising the transom area. The yacht’s cockpit can now transform into either a large sunbathing area, a social gathering place with plenty of table space or an easily manoeuvrable sailing cockpit with grab rails positioned exactly where needed. As an additional innovation, the twin-wheel and split-table design enables quick and easy access below deck or vice versa. Should the need for additional space, a barbecue or a cold drink arise, two multipurpose boxes are a new design feature of the yacht, allowing plenty of deck equipment customisation and a convenient skipper’s seat. One can still choose a small or a large swim platform, further customising the yacht and deciding on the safe closed-transom variation or a more open transom feel.


Join us at Marina Pirovac in Croatia on the 3rd of July 2019 for the launch event of this new yacht, see her live, hop aboard and meet the Elan team that created her. Please apply to the event by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the 31st of May.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Elan Yachts is very pleased to announce that KJK Fund III, a EUR 250 million private equity fund launched in 2018, has completed the purchase of 100% of the shares of Elan d.o.o.

The KJK Group of companies manage several funds focusing on European Frontier markets where they combine local expertise with international best practices. The KJK team has extensive experience in these markets covering portfolio company selection, investment analysis and asset management. KJK’s network consists of 8 offices across Europe with 19 highly experienced investment professionals, each averaging more than 15 years’ experience. The local teams provide a unique platform to access highly-attractive investment opportunities across developing Europe. Their  local footprint enables KJK to provide global institutional investors access to opportunities into Frontier Europe which would otherwise be inaccessible.

Mr. Kustaa Äimä, the founder and senior partner at KJK, stated that “We are delighted to have closed the purchase of Elan after 9 months of work. We believe that Elan’s relentless focus on its customers makes its products highly relevant to consumers, thereby making Elan highly competitive on the world stage.” Mr. Äimä commented further that “Elan will play a central role in KJK’s efforts to build a sporting goods business focused on enabling friends and families to lead year-round active outdoor lifestyles”.

Elan’s management team, led by Mr. Jeffrey Tirman, Elan’s CEO, will continue managing the company. In addition, Mr. Tirman will assume the role of CEO of KJK’s newly created holding company, KJK Sports. Under KJK Sports, in addition to Elan, KJK will combine its other sports and outdoor related investments, including the Estonian-based watersports company, Tahe Outdoors, and Leader 96, the Bulgarian-based bicycle manufacturer. Mr. Tirman commented “We are pleased to have successfully concluded the sale of Elan to KJK and look forward to the opportunity of working with the entire KJK team and the management teams of the other KJK Sports portfolio companies. We believe that significant synergies exist across the portfolio of sport holdings which will enable KJK Sports to become a truly global, all-season active outdoors sporting goods company”.

Thursday 09 May 2019

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