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Navtični abomna 2025 – 7 online predavanj, ki jih pred začetkom sezone ne smete zamuditi
Izkoristite priložnost in pred začetkom sezone nadgradite svoje navtično znanje. V sklopu 7 predavanj boste spoznali ključne teme, ki vam bodo pomagale pri varni in samozavestni plovbi v prihajajoči navtični sezoni.
Zelo uspešnega online navtičnega abonmaja se je v letu 2023 udeležilo več kot 120 znanja željnih skipperjev.
Letos smo moči ponovno združili Karpo Sailing, in eNavtika, da vam ponudimo še boljše online izobraževanje za skipperje in jadralske navdušence. Glavni predavatelj je Maks Vrečko, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore.
Investirajte v svoje navtično znanje – za še bolj brezskrbno in užitka polno plovbo na Jadranskem morju.
7 predavanj z uporabnimi praktičnimi nasveti za skipperje in jadralce, ki želijo izboljšati svojo samozavest in znanje na morju.
- Kako uživati na jadranju - nasveti za sproščen dopust na morju
- Izbira prave jadrnice glede na število oseb in udobje.
- Postopek prevzema in vračanja plovila brez stresa.
- Primerjava različnih izhodišč in destinacij na Jadranu.
- Pregled najuporabnejših navtičnih aplikacij (za vreme, navigacijo, marine).
- Prilagajanje plovbe vremenskim razmeram – osnove meteorologije.
- Kako pravilno reagirati ob nevihti ali močnem vetru.
- Skipperiranje brez zapletov - ključni manevri za samozavestno plovbo
- Priprava in izvedba vplutja in izplutja.
- Sidranje na različnih terenih – od peščene morske gladine do skal.
- Učinkovito vezanje na bojo in varnostni ukrepi.
- Manevri vplutja v tuj pristan in komunikacija z lokalnimi upravljalci priveza.
- Prednosti in slabosti nočitve na sidru, boji ali v marini.
- Pravilna tehnika privezovanja s krmo na obalo.
- Kako dve jadrnici zvezati skupaj.
- Skipper - ključ do povezane ekipe in uspešnega jadranja
- Organizacija posadke in dodeljevanje nalog.
- Pomen vloge namestnika skipperja.
- Aktivno vključevanje posadke v plovbo in skrb za motivacijo.
- Bonton na morju – odnosi na naši jadrnici in z drugimi plovili.
- Obvladovanje nepredvidljivih situacij in konfliktov.
- Praktični nasveti za ravnanje s pomanjkanjem vode in elektrike.
- Zgodbe z naukom - kaj nas učijo najbolj boleče napake na morju
- Analiza resničnih primerov nesreč in napak z Jadrana.
- Ključne lekcije za preprečevanje ponavljanja napak.
- Reševanje kritičnih situacij: okvara motorja, poškodbe krmila, zapleti z vrvmi in sidrom.
- Osnovna uporaba varnostne opreme.
- Najpogostejše napake pri načrtovanju in izvedbi plovbe.
- Ali je v močnem vetru za neizkušene bolj smiselno motoriranje ali jadranje.
- Nastavitve jader glede na smer in moč vetra
- Razlaga osnovnih smeri jadranja in nastavitev jader za počitniško plovbo.
- Štiri osnovni in dva napredna manevra z jadri za varno in enostavno plovbo.
- Tehnike za povečanje hitrosti in stabilnosti jadrnice.
- Pravilna uporaba vanga, drsnikov in drugih pripomočkov za nastavitev jader.
- Kako prepoznati optimalno nastavitev jadra glede na razmere.
- Problematika nenadnega preleta buma.
- Kaj storiti, če nas nenadno preseneti močnejši veter.
- Ali najprej krajšamo glavno jadro ali genovo.
- Genaker - za več hitrosti in zabave na dopustu ali regati
- Učenje uporabe genakerja brez inštruktorja.
- Priprava na dvig genakerja in pravilna izvedba manevra.
- Tehnike za učinkovito upravljanje in trimanje genakerja.
- Izvajanje notranjega in zunanjega obrata z vetrom (gybe).
- Varne in hitre metode spusta genakerja.
- Dodelitev ključnih vlog v posadki za manevre z genakerjem.
- Nasveti za reševanje zapletov.
- Najpogostejša vprašanja skipperjev
- Vzpostavljanje dobrega odnosa med skipperjem in čarteristom.
- Kako oceniti svojo pripravljenost za najem jadrnice (samozavest in znanje).
- Preprečevanje kritičnih situacij in kako se nanje pripraviti.
- Kako se v petek popoldne izogniti večurnemu čakanju na bencinskih črpalkah.
- Vprašanja udeležencev navtičnega abonmaja.
- Karpo
- eNavtika
- JK Loka Timing
Termin: Online MS Teams predavanja februar in marec 2025
Predavanja bodo posneta in si jih v primeru odsotnosti lahko ogledate naknadno.
Predavatelj | Maks Vrečko
Maks Vrečko goji strast do jadranja in jadrnic že od leta 1994, ko je opravil izpit za voditelja čolna. Leta 2010 se je samostojno podal na svojo prvo plovbo s čartersko jadrnico, kar ga je, po nekaj letih stresa in nezgod, pripeljalo do spoznanja, da potrebuje več znanja.
Med letoma 2016 in 2018 je uspešno opravil zahteven izpit RYA Yachtmaster Offshore, s čimer je postavil temelje za zahtevnejše jadralne podvige. Svoje oceanske izkušnje je nadgradil z jadranjem preko Biskajskega zaliva in Avstralskega južnega morja.
Maks je lastnik jadrnice Elan 450 Karpo, s katero skupaj s svojo ekipo tekmuje na regatah. Najbolj odmeven uspeh je dosegel na prestižni regati Rolex Middle Sea Race, eni najtežjih offshore regat na svetu, kjer je ekipa osvojila 1. mesto v skupini IRC5.
Od leta 2019 Maks izvaja praktične tečaje za skipperje, ki navdušujejo tako začetnike kot tudi izkušene jadralce. Njegov pristop, osredotočen na intenzivnost in uporabne nasvete, zagotavlja udeležencem samozavest in veščine za varno ter uspešno plovbo.
Sopredavatelj | Tomaž Gregorič
Tomaž Gregorič se profesionalno ukvarja z navtičnim izobraževanjem že od leta 2001, ko je skupaj z Gregorjem Jeretičem ustanovil podjetje Spinaker d.o.o. Spinaker je od takrat izobrazil že več kot 36.000 ljudi, ki plujejo po Jadranu in drugih morjih. Spinaker pa je tudi avtor in založnik navtične literature v slovenščini in tujih jezikih, ki šteje že več kot 108.000 izvodov. Tomaž ni samo strasten jadralec, ampak tudi strasten pedagog, ki želi navtično znanje, tako teoretično kot praktično, prenesti na čim več bodočih navtikov in tistih, ki želijo svoje navtično znanje poglobiti.
Svoja teoretična znanja Tomaž neprestano širi s sodelovanjem z mnogimi evropskimi univerzami in akademijami na razvojnih projektih, svoja praktična znanja pa širi predvsem s pogostim poučevanjem na raznovrstnih tečajih jadranja in samostojno plovbo na Spinakerjevi jadrnici Dufour 350 GL.
Pomočnik predavatelja | Matic Vrečko
Matic je svojo prvo samostojno plovbo s čartersko jadrnico in skupino prijateljev izvedel pri 18 letih, pri 24 pa že samostojno preplul Atlantik. Njegovo vrhunsko znanje jadranja mu v regatnih ekipah pogosto prinese najzahtevnejšo vlogo taktika, kjer s svojimi odločitvami pomembno vpliva na rezultate.
Kot dipl. ing. strojništva je na družinski jadrnici Karpo izvedel vrsto tehničnih izboljšav, ki so prispevale k njeni boljši in bolj učinkoviti plovbi.
Matic svojo strast do jadranja uspešno prenaša na vrstnike. Poleg tega organizira flotna jadranja za mlade in poskrbi za zabavne aktivnosti, ki jadranje naredijo še bolj privlačno in nepozabno.
Navtični abonma 2025 – 7 online predavanjAustal Limited (ASX:ASB) advises that it has officially delivered, and its customer has accepted, the largest commercial ferry (by volume) the Company has ever built at its shipyard in Henderson, Australia.
Official delivery triggers the final A$20 million-plus payment on the vessel, which was built on budget.
Construction of the A$109 million vehicle passenger ferry, to be named ‘Express 4’, commenced in 2017 for Molslinjen A/S (OMX: MOLS), using an enhanced design based on Austal’s proven catamaran platform, but with a new optimised hull shape and vessel weight minimisation solution to deliver better performance and greater fuel efficiency.
The 109 metre vessel can carry up to 1,000 tonnes, and is capable of transporting more than 1,000 passengers and 425 cars. It will operate at speeds up to 40 knots and during testing achieved a top speed of 47.8 knots (88km/hour), powered by four MAN engines that produce more power combined (36mW) than the Ord River hydro power plant (30mW).
Approximately 400 Austal employees worked on the vessel during the design, pre-fabrication, construction and fit-out phases of the vessel, drawing upon a supply chain of over 1,000 suppliers Australia-wide and internationally.
Austal CEO David Singleton said: "The design and engineering enhancements pioneered by Austal’s Australian design team will enable Molslinjen to achieve lower operating costs and deliver an enhanced passenger experience, two of the most important factors for global operators of large, high speed ferries.
"Delivery of the Express 4 to Molslinjen confirms Austal’s position as Australia’s pre-eminent shipbuilder of large high-speed commercial craft, and we expect delivery and operations of this vessel will trigger future orders for similar vessels from other ferry operators."
Construction of a similar design vessel, a 109 metre vehicle passenger catamaran for Fjord Line of Norway, is already well advanced at Austal Philippines, using the same hull enhancements.
Other commercial ferries currently under construction at Austal’s shipyards in Australia, Philippines and Vietnam include 2 x 117 metre vehicle passenger trimarans for Fred Olsen S.A of Spain, 1 x 83 metre passenger trimaran for JR Kyushu Jet Ferry of Japan, 2 x 50 metre catamarans for Brave Line of Taiwan, and 1 x 49 metre catamaran for SNC Aremiti of French Polynesia. In addition, Austal’s joint venture in China, Aulong Shipbuilding, is currently constructing 5 x 42 metre catamarans and 1 x 69 metre catamaran for mainland China operators.
The official delivery of ‘Express 4' to Molslinjen marks the start of a 27-day voyage from Henderson to its home port in Odden in Denmark, via Sri Lanka, the Suez canal and Malta. The vessel is expected to commence regular ferry services in the Kattegat Sea from mid-March 2019.
Molslinjen Express 4 achieved in excess of 40 knots during high speed trials off the coast of Western Australia, January 2019 (Photo credit: Willie Blaauw)
Molslinjen Express 4 (Austal Hull 393) is the largest by volume ferry designed and constructed by Austal and is capable of transporting over 1,000 passengers and 425 cars.
Credit:, Photo: Willie Blaauw
Dunat is a small port in the northern part of Puntarska Draga an it is opened for public traffic. There is electricity and water available in the port. There is also a slip, garbage removal and parking place. Nearby are different restaurants and bars.
Seasonal berths are available in the port. Price for high season (1.5. – 30.9.) is 1530 HRK * boat length and 300 HRK * boat length for low season (1.10. – 30.4.).
When navigating into the port leave red light (R Fl 3s 5m 1M) on your left side and green lateral mark on your right. Water depth in the entrance is only 1,9 m. Water depths in the port are 2,5 m in southern part and 1 m in northern part.
Following initial reports that Alex Thomson’s Hugo Boss had grounded on rocks during the final miles of the Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe and while leading the IMOCA class, Race Direction has contacted the British skipper to check his status.
They have ascertained that while sailing on port tack at the north end of Grande Terre island, Hugo Boss ran aground on rocky cliffs around 21:45hrs (local time/0145hrs UTC Friday). The accident occurred at the north end of Grande Terre, just south of the Grande Vigie lighthouse on La Pointe à Claude.
Upon hitting the cliff, Alex Thomson had to lower his sails and start his engine to reverse his boat from these rocks. He was able to extract himself from the reefs before re-hoisting his sails to resume his passage. Thomson stopped his engine and then set a new seal on the propeller shaft.
The skipper was not injured but there is damage to his boat. The crash box in the bow is damaged and has taken in water but it is contained, and the bowsprit is damaged. The water is contained by the forward bulkhead. The starboard foil is damaged. According to Thomson’s conversation with the Race Director, the keel and its structure are certainly also affected. But it has not been possible to establish a more precise diagnosis during the hours of darkness.
Currently, the boat is sailing at a speed of 7 knots and continues its passage around the island towards the finish line. Approaching the small island at Tete à l’Anglais he has about 50 miles to go until the finish line.
The International Jury was immediately informed by Race Direction of the accident and it will file a protest against Alex Thomson for using his engine during the race.
Sailing in massive waves is very dangerous. Watch the video which mistakes are lethal.
Suzuki has launched a new MFD aimed at rivalling the top electronics providers.
The Suzuki Multi-Function Display is designed to ‘provide the ultimate connectivity in order to unite the boat driver with the surrounding environment’.
“This is a huge step forward for Suzuki,” said Yasuharu Osawa, managing officer, executive general manager, marine operations, Suzuki Motor Corporation. “The all new Suzuki Multi-Function Display is the perfect solution as it offers Suzuki customers access to all the information they need to be assured of a safe and ultimate boating experience.”
Engine data
Features include chart plotter, radar, fish finder and weather information via an internet connection.
The screen will also give access to Suzuki engine data enabling users to see the performance of the outboard/s in one view.
It can be set up to display just engine data, or a combination of engine and environmental information.
There are also options to enable digital switching to control navigation lights, trim tabs and multi-beam sonar as well as full connectivity with other systems.
The unit is available in four screen sizes from 7in to 16in.
Team Nika became the first team ever to claim a hat trick of RC44 World Championship titles after Vladimir Prosikhin, tactician Dean Barker and their crew managed to fend off Igor Lah's Team CEEREF on the final day of big conditions racing off Cascais. The two boats started the day with Team Nika five points ahead.
In 15 knot NNW winds, Chris Bake's Team Aqua was fastest out of the blocks in the first race to become the sixth race winner at this World Championship. Meanwhile in the leader’s fight Team CEEREF closed the gap to three points.
Race two saw Team Nika righting the wrongs of the previous race, as they creeped round the top mark first, ahead of Team Aqua. Bronenosec Sailing Team followed in fourth but immediately gybed. Within seconds she took the lead, going on to claim her third bullet. Tactician Cameron Dunn explained: “We rounded in the biggest rightie we’d seen and in a big puff - very windy, in the mid-high 20s. We did a nice hoist, better than all of the boats around us and jumped the gybe on everyone. After all that happened yesterday [when they received a four point penalty] I was like ‘please let this work…’ I was very proud of the boys today.”
Behind, Team Nika managed to retain second as Team CEEREF was third, despite having briefly overtaken their opponent on the first run. Team CEEREF tactician Adrian Stead explained: “We made a big gain and crossed them, but we didn’t consolidate that and they led around the gate.”
With the wind building to 20+ knots and the sea state increasing, Team Nika started the last race with a four points lead and ultimately ended the regatta in style. Winning the committee boat end at the start, she tacked, led out to the favourable right side. “Today the breeze was a lot more left-shifted in close to the shore,” explained Barker.
From there Vladimir Prosikhin’s team sailed conservatively enough in the building wind and sea state to claim the final race and win the RC44 World Championship title by six points.
“I am thrilled,” said a beaming Prosikhin. “It was difficult to the very end. CEEREF is very fast and is a risk-taker. We won the World title last year and they won it the year before. We were expecting a match race from them.”
However Team CEEREF sailed their own races today. “We got very good starts and were very consistent upwind,” Prosikhin continued. “The boat was tuned very well and going nicely, with good VMG. I am happy with this team - almost the same as in 2015 when we first won the World Championship. We have sailed a lot together and the atmosphere on board is great.”
Team Nika’s tactician Dean Barker is becoming ‘King of Cascais’ having won here with Team Nika in 2015 and this year’s TP52 World Championship. “Cascais has been pretty good to us this year. This week our speed seemed really good, upwind particularly and we put it together over the four days. Our crew work was very solid. We didn’t make any real mistakes. We ripped a couple of sails, but they managed to hold together."
“Three races per day in these conditions is very testing on the crew. Vladimir did an amazing job.”
For Team CEEREF it was a case of ‘not quite’, maintained Igor Lah: “We tried hard, but it didn’t work. We tried all our tricks, but Team Nika was better. We made too many mistakes in the first two days.”
Bronenosec Sailing Team’s crew suffered near heart failure in the final race when their seventh place to Team Aqua's second almost caused them to lose third overall, ultimately retaining this on countback to Chris Bake’s team.
Scoring a 1-4-2, Team Aqua was top scoring boat today, showing their previous Championship-winning form. “It was a good day,” agreed a pleased Chris Bake. “We kept it clean, kept it going, had good boat speed and it is nice to prove to the world we have a little bit of competitiveness. Nika sailed really well - they deserved to win.”
Tactician Cameron Appleton was proud of his skipper and how Team Aqua had performed. “We felt we could have been boat of the day yesterday and today. I have a lot of confidence in the guys and the set-up. And today’s conditions were awesome - they ramped up until we had 26 knots in the last race. It was dream conditions and phenomenal racing.”
Elsewhere Hugues Lepic's Aleph Racing and Torbjörn Törnqvist's Artemis Racing both had better days while a sixth place overall for Nico Poons' Charisma was not the result the Monaco-based Dutchman had hoped for to help his prospects for winning the 2018 RC44 Championship.
The RC44 Championship Tour concludes with its final event of the season in Cascais over 14-18th November.
No. | Team (sail no.) | Points |
1 | Russia Team Nika (RUS 10) | 36 |
2 | Slovenia Team Ceeref (SLO 11) | 42 |
3 | Russia Bronenosec Sailing (RUS 18) | 52 |
4 | United Kingdom Team Aqua (GBR 2041) | 52 |
5 | Sweden Artemis Racing (SWE44) | 58 |
6 | Monaco Charisma (MON 69) | 60 |
7 | United Kingdom Peninsula Petroleum (GBR 1) | 64 |
8 | France Aleph Racing (FRA17) | 74 |
Seven Marine, the premium high-performance outboard engine manufacturer, has gained CE Mark certification for its flagship 627 hp model, enabling the American company to begin selling its top-of-the-range product in Europe.
In response to increased interest in its products from international markets and a growing demand for high-power outboards for larger boats across the globe, the company has gained CE (Conformité Européene) Mark certification – a legislative requirement to conform to health, safety and environmental standards. This designation makes it possible for the Seven 627sv model to be sold within the European Union.
“This is a strong step forward for us in the European market,” says Brian Davis, vice president of Seven Marine. “Since we first exhibited our outboards in Europe in 2016, and following our acquisition by Volvo Penta last year, European boatbuilders have shown a lot of interest in our outboards. We have developed new products and redesigned the 627 model, to continue our pursuit of offering a premium range of high-performance outboards to a broader market. Part of this philosophy involves adhering to the highest standards and we look forward to introducing Seven Marine products to customers in Europe.”
Highest performance, elegant design
External design is important to Seven Marine’s customers. The company’s gasoline outboards are elegant and customizable in different colors and carbon/teak cowl accents, showing that the outboard is an integral part of a boat’s overall aesthetic rather than just being its power source. It is the combination of technology-driven high performance and stylish design that has encouraged several European boatbuilders to select the Seven 627sv for their vessels.
“Our Seven 627sv is a premium outboard engine with a lot customizable options, so the process of discussing what the customers want becomes very personal and special,” says Rick Davis, president of Seven Marine. “Some of the customers have chosen Seven Marine so that they can provide more power, or reduce the number of engines while retaining the same power as before if they are switching from a competitor to our engines. And some have chosen the Seven 627sv because of the ability to make the outboard an integral part of their boat’s overall aesthetic.
Seven Marine designs and produces the most powerful outboard engines in the world.
“We are proud to have such good relationships with the boatbuilders and pleased that some of the Seven Marine-powered boats will be showcased at the Cannes Yachting Festival, Genoa Boat Show and the Monaco Yacht Show, in September.”
Applications to gain CE Mark certification for Seven Marine’s 527 and 577 hp engines are in progress and are expected to be approved in the coming months.
Anchoring system reinforcements
In order to provide even better safety for your vessels, we have added additional reinforcements to the existing horizontal rails which firmly hold the tied moorings with their weight and thus constructed a very reliable way of mooring vessels.
Works in pools A1 – A2 – A3 and B3 north and B3 south have been completed. At the same time, old bits have been removed on piers B3, B5, A1 and A2, new ones mounted in some areas and we are successively replacing old pier floorboards. All that is left is the A3 – A4 pool.
The works were funded entirely with our own resources.
Hotel Kanajt – new online reservation
Contact us directly and get up to 10% discount:
Marina Punat Group guests can now directly book accommodation at the Hotel Kanajt via online reservation at
We recommend that you use only this page for online booking as you do not receive discounts when booking via other booking sites.
The webpages are still functional.
Moreover, you can now directly contact us to book rooms via the new info line +385 (0)911 654 354, or via the Viber or Whats App applications.
The floating holiday home has been anchored
The first boat-apartment in Croatia is already in the marina. Furnishing and connecting to our water supply and electricity grid is underway.
The apartment is located at the base of pier C3, and is easily accessible. Nearby there is a short stopping zone where you can unload your belongings onto our luggage cart. You can park your car in the marina, in one of the available parking lots, free of charge. For guests arriving by airplane at Rijeka Airport, we have organized free transportation.
You can get fresh groceries and drinks at the nearby market in the marina, and the town centre is just a 5-minute bike ride away; bikes are available for rent at the marina. If you do not want to cook during your vacation, at the heart of the marina you can find the excellent a la carte restaurant Marina and the 9 bofora bistro & pizzeria with an excellent selection of small and quick meals.
Take maximum advantage of your free time; the pool and wellness at hotel Kanajt is at your disposal, as well as the fitness studio which is only a hundred metres away from your accommodation.
If you want to go swimming, a small inflatable boat with oars which does not require a sailing permit, is available. Additionally, you can rent an outboard engine as well. For those who wish to go to the beach, we offer organized transportation to the Medane Beach Club.
The apartment is equipped with a TV and free WiFi signal.
You can see the times and prices here, and you will receive a 10% discount for direct booking. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
New partners in recreation
Get to know the island in a new way with a licensed Infinity Sports guide. Organised cycling tours on the island of Krk are tailored to your wishes and activities.
They will design a personalised route just for you, from simple tourist tours to demanding sports cycling.
All information on times and prices are available on +385 (0)911721465 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and with the Marina Club Card you get a 10% discount.